Epilogue: Paper Cranes in the Sky

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Epilogue: Paper Cranes in the Sky


I’m in the middle of my journey, that is. And I have reached an impasse.

I have reached an impasse.

But I guess Fate decided to break its wall and let me continue the journey.

Funny thing Fate is. Twisted, perhaps—especially my Fate.

… because who would have thought that one day, I would be able to give each and every blog I wrote the epilogue it deserves to have?


I am done with college.

But of course, life is supposed to move on whether I am ready or not.

I have to make use of the degree I got in college and land a job on one of the most promising entertainment companies in Asia.

Was it just a coincidence when I literally bumped into a guy in red hoodie whose name is Redzel Yap?

No, it wasn’t a coincidence. And my unspoken question for years has been answered finally when he called me by my name.


I had to blink twice before actually realizing that he was talking to me. I greeted him with a smile. We talked for a while, and I found out that like me, he just started working at Tungsten Entertainment. He told me he left the country with his family when our fourth year in middle school ended, but decided to stay in Barrio Belleza again.

It felt good to see him again after all those years.

He remembered me…

… and he knew my name.


Indeed, my unposken question for so many years was finally answered.

My secret crush from once upon a time knew my name.


You know how they say that Fate is a playful element in life? Indeed, it is. Who would have thought that a single high school reunion would pave a way for an epilogue?

It did.

I don’t suppose I have to detail each and every conversation I had with those who shared my high school days. But I have to make sure that I include in this blog that I saw Fitz, Casper, and Ethan in the reunion. Of course they were present. Funny how I use to note my encounters with them but now I could just sum it up in once sentence:

They are happy, and I am, too.

I was happy seeing them, but I don’t have any lingering feelings for any of them anymore. It seemed like each of them was a phase I stumbled upon while on my teenage road.

Fitz has a girlfriend now. Casper is engaged. And Ethan? It was ages ago since he broke up with Krishna. They were together until sophomore college (wow), but they ended up in Splitsville because both just fell out of love (I’m not gossiping—Ethan told me himself—and oh, I have to mention that he told me how pretty I was that night). He is still single and is open to dating women (sorry, I’m not interested anymore).

Needless to say, I am happy for each of them.

Fate was really tricky that night. I wasn not avoding this particular person, but we ended up bumping into each other in the hallway—at kaming dalawa lang talaga ang nandoon. Funny, isn’t it?

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