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This is not a novel. However, if you can call this collection of stories a novel, maybe this might pass as one. I’m not going to tell about a single story. I’m going to tell stories. And it’s up to you if you want to believe that these stories actually happened to me.

I’m not a writer. I’m not even a fan of blogging, but since I am doing that right now, maybe I am now officially a blogger. But pardon my typos or my grammatical errors. I’m not writing for my academic grades or to submit this piece for publishing. I’m writing to plunge into memories and give each and every memory a closure. It’s the only way for me to finally move on.

With stories like mine, it’s actually hard to do that. And I don’t know what came into my mind that I believed this weird classmate of mine when he suggested I document each and every encounter I had with each and every guy that came into my life. He said this might help me move on—by giving each and every story I have an ending.

He said I might be a special case—that I have a long memory. And that I am the type of person who doesn’t let go of memories easily. That’s why it has been hard for me to move on. I keep thinking of what-ifs and what might have been.

I honestly don’t know how this would help me, but I guess it’s worth a try.

I would have to recall and reminisce everything that I can just so that I’ll be able to let them go… forever.

I am not a writer, but I have my own share of stories to tell. I do want to share what I can if it means giving each chapter of my life the epilogue it deserves. My name is Celeste Cheng. Welcome to my blog.


Hello, Blog Girls! Yup, this is yet another piece of Dyosa Maldita Creations.

Once again, I'd like to remind everybody that this is an on-going creation, and updates will depend on my mood and calling. Also, on-going means bitin, so I'd appreciate it much if you'd refrain from reading this until it's done if you don't want to be bitin. And as much as I appreciate your enthusiasm and excitement, I'd appreciate it more if you'll refrain from asking for updates. I really hope we're all clear about that.

To the Readers of Dyosa Maldita Creations who have been with us ever since, thank you. We've been through a lot in each and every world, and yet you're still here! For your love, support, patience, and for never asking or demanding anything from me, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You inspire me, Sweeties, and I dedicate this to you.

So... enjoy and say hello to Celeste Cheng's World!

Say no to plagiarism. Love your own creation.

Contains inevitable typographical errors and words inappropriate for some readers.

Credits, hugs, and thank you sagad to the sexy lady Ela who made the book cover! Ang ganda ng cover design, right? Of course, kasi si Ela ang gumawa niyan! Best-est best! <3 ~(^u^)~ I so heart you, Ela, sagad. <3


This Literary Piece is a story bound creation. The names, places, and businesses are products of the Author’s Imagination. Resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), places, and businesses is purely coincidental.

Reproduction or usage of this Literary Piece in any form by any means is strictly prohibited without the permission of the Author.

This Literary Piece contains words, actions, and scenes inappropriate for some readers. Appropriate guidance is strongly advised.

Copyright © 2014 by Dyosa Maldita

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