Chapter 4

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First year- No Christmas for the Blacks

Sirius Black

"YOU HAVE DISAPPOINTED ME AND YOUR FATHER IN SUCH WAYS! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THE NAME BLACK! DO NOT DARE COME BACK HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS! I WANT TO SEE YOU AS LITTLE AS I CAN! DO YOU KNOW HOW DIFFICULT IT WILL BE TO EXPLAIN SUCH BEHAVIOR TO THE REST OF THE FAMILY?!" And many more of the same words drained the silence away from the Great hall. Walburgas words intoxicating the air as everyone seemed to not be able to look their way. Sirius turned around to look at his sister. She looked slightly hurt by the harsh words but she shook her head as if she thought better of it, that made him care little for the words spoken by the letter. James had his mouth open so wide that it almost hit the floor. "What kind of mother would say such things?" Thena gave a small smile to the boy "Who said she was our mother?" Sirius said, all of his attention drawn by the now very interesting breakfast in front of him. "She most definitely isn't" Thena said as he nodded.

They spent the day talking shit about Walburga which was one of the things the set of twins enjoyed most. Regulus was too scared of their mother finding out to join the conversation, but he did nood every so often when they talked their talk in his presence. "She can stick the letter up her butt. She can go throw herself off a bridge for all I care" Sirius was saying

"Honestly, why would I even waste words insulting her when nature already did its part" Thena replied. All of this was said next to a very uncomfortable Remus Lupin, who tried to not even look their way. "For Merlin, I can't stand her '' Sirius finished, feeling very much pleased with the round of insults. 

"Did you hear?" Peter asked all of a sudden "Your mother owlled Dumbeldore to ask him to move you two from Gryffindor, and when he said that the hat had made its choice, she tried to kick him out of the castle, contacting some people and trying to pull some strings to take Dumbledore's title of Head Master away from him" he stated. The two of them looked at each other as they began to laugh uncontrollably "She made a fool of herself!" Athena said, patting Sirius' shoulder as he slapped his knee barely being able to control his laughter.

Mary MacDonald

When most of the people in the common room had left, Mary slipped herself through the portrait hole. She looked around for a bit and found that only one other student was sitting in one of the red arm chairs. When she got closer she noticed it was Sirius Black.

Every girl in their year and in the second year was already talking about him, they were all basically drooling over him, she agreed that he was indeed handsome but they could honestly control themselves. She sat in the chair across from him "Hello there, didn't know you had a cat" she said pointing at the black cat sitting on the arm of the chair, it seemed to be seeping but when it heard her talk it woke up, its eyes looked directly at her. They were blue, but the left one looked more gray than blue. "Oh, you haven't heard. Oh, well, this is not a cat, well it is but not really-" he was interrupted by the cat getting out of the chair, straightening its back and suddenly instead of a cat, in front of her some sort of transformation was taking place.

 She gasped rather loudly when in the exact same spot where the cat was a second ago, now stood Athena Black, coming through her hair trying to put it back in place, she seemed to give up, extending a hand to her brother as he lifted his sleeve up and gave his twin a hair tie. She tied her hair back and looked back at Mary who was in shock, staring profoundly at the set of twins. I knew I seen those eyes somewhere.

"What in the-?" she managed, she watched as Sirius laughed and the girl rolled her eyes and sat next to a very confused Mary. "In our family" the girl started explaining "Two magical branches run, one of those whom have clairvoyance and those who are natural animagi. As you can see I have inherited the second. I can't quite control it yet and that is why sometimes, like now, Sirius will stay behind with me so that I can change" she didn't seem to understand

 "Animagi have the ability of transforming into the animal they share more traits with, my sister is cat, because it appears they share certain personality traits, like being an absolute pain in the arse" Sirius explained but Mary still couldn't find words to explain that, that, was just mind blowing. "Funny enough, Im actually a dog person"

"Does anyone know?" she managed, the girl shook her head "They heard rumors, I decided to tell you because at least you girls, my roommates I mean will eventually find out so better to tell you now"

"Oh, come on! It's not like you haven't seen it before, McGonnagall does it too , she's a cat too" Sirius said, he'd always get mad when people said Athena was special for it, always the same argument as well "She was born with it, it has no merit" he'd say. Although she didn't get mad when he'd say it, since he told her he really wanted to do it too, and he would eventually.

Mary kept asking her to change back, and Athena did. They did that until they were too tired, Sirius left and eventually Mary didn't find it funny anymore.

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