Chapter 23

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Discription of a panick attack

Monday 3rd January 1972

Sirius Black

On the first day of lessons after Christmas, Sirius was buzzing with energy, wishing he could turn time forward to dinner. He hung back with Lupin as the other boys went down to breakfast, quickly performing his reading spell on the other boy. Remus was still struggling a bit to get it down, Athena had been trying to teach him but she herself had a hard time performing it.

The day dragged by, minutes crawling like molasses as Sirius listened to their professors drone on. Remus seemed completely absorbed by the classes. 

Sirius smiled to himself as he watched his friend consult their texts repeatedly, a look of wonder on his face. It was clear that the reading made a difference; Remus was the first student to get his brick to bounce in Charms, mastering the spell after glancing over his book. He kept sharing proud, parent-like, smiles with his sister, a burst of pride blaming in their chest as Remus got things right.

But even the satisfaction of watching Remus put his reading to use wasn't enough to alleviate the energy bottled inside Sirius, and by that afternoon he was strung tight, tense.

They had Potions with the Slytherins—which meant seeing Snape, and thinking about the prank, and tasting vengeance just out of reach on the tip of his tongue.

Slughorn was returning their essays on the twelve uses of dragon blood. Sirius and Remus had done theirs together, and the marauders as a whole did fairly well (Peter, predictably, was at the bottom of the pack). But of course, Snape got the highest mark and earned five points for Slytherin. The sight of his smug smile made Sirius want to punch him in the face.

He had expected that his own essay would come second, as he had always been quite good with words. Sirius was prepared to hear Slughorn call his name, and perhaps that was why he felt a sharp jolt of shame when it wasn't him, but Lily Evans—the muggle-born girl—who came second and got a point for Gryffindor.

Athena got the same mark as the other girl but instead of bursting with rage for not getting credit she patted the girls back and smiled brightly at her. He flushed as he listened to their professor read her score; she had only beaten him by a few marks.

"Wonder if it's worth cosying up to Snivellus just for one measly house point." He kept his voice low enough not to draw Slughorn's attention, but made sure that Snape and his little girlfriend could hear. Lily spun around, blushing, and his sister's head snapped back at him, giving him a death glare.

"Shut up, Black," she hissed, "No one likes a sore loser." Athena's smirk only grew bigger after the quick response

This just made him angry, and he hissed back immediately, "Hardly losing when your boyfriend lets you copy his work."

"¡Hey! Sirius keep your rage in check will you"

"No one asked you to get involved Thena"

"I do not copy him, and Severus is not my boyfriend!" Now her face was almost as red as her hair. Sirius sunk his teeth.

"You're blushing, Evans," he smirked, nudging James, "Isn't that sweet?" James snickered, nodding along.

"Sirius I will burn you alive, leave Evans alone" but that made him madder. His sister had nothing to do with this, and he didn't like her getting involved.

"I hear you had a very quiet Christmas, Black," his beady little eyes narrowed with malice, "Your family couldn't stand to have you around, is that right? Two tries and both failed" His lips curled, to pick up his wand, all his attention now on Snape—who smirked, saying,

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