Chapter 15

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First year- Happy birthday to the twins

Wednesday 3rd November 1971

Athena Black

She was akonen by a flying mass of stupid jumping on top of her. She opened her eyes to see Mary pulling Marlene, who happily agreed, to jump on her bed.

"Are you mental?!"

"Why does it look like it?" Marlene said between laughs.

"We are going to spend your birthday dancing and singing and eating and playing with the makeup my mom just bought me" Mary announced as if she had it planned.

"No way in hell"

"How about in heaven then?!" Evans said.

"Stop yelling or I'll muzzle you " she said trying not to laugh at the efforts being placed here and all the attention, she never did have a birthday as such.

"You promise?" Marlene asked, ''It took the rest of the girls a second to get the reference "You know I love it when you talk dirty to me Mckinnon, but I'll have to suggest, for your own good that you get off of me" the girl blushed a bit but got out.

"How did you even know it was my birthday?" "Oh, your brother told James and James told me '' Marlene said, of course he did, she thought. "Yes, so here is the plan" of course Evans had a list, she flipped over the pages of her little notebook and placed a finger on it as if to help her read. 

"Potter wants Sirius to himself for what I suppose is Quidditch, he didn't call you because he said you didn't much enjoy it'' Lily watched as needed "Well, he gave us Lupin, because he doesn't like it either, he said he wants to give you a present. So first, Potter wants us all in the Great Hall for I don't know what, then we have, me and Mary that is, a thing that we think you will very much like. Then Marls has something to show us and then Potter again, and then the tea he told us about '' Athena blinked at her.

 The girl said all of that so fast that she almost ran out of breath, it seemed rehearsed and planned and cared for and she just felt such a wave of warmth and gratitude toward this girl, she couldn't put it into words. "Thank you "she just said. The girls launched towards her and hugged her, all but Lily who stood there and rolled her eyes. It made her laugh.

Sirius Black


Sirius woke to James Potter, heir to one of the oldest pureblood families in Britain, flinging himself headlong onto his friend's bed. He tackled Sirius, and the two started wrestling through the blankets, laughing.

When Sirius finally managed to shove James off and step out of bed, he noticed Peter standing nervously across the room."Happy birthday, Sirius!"

"Cheers, Pete!" Sirius grinned, and looked over towards Remus's bed.

It was empty—the curtains left open, the bed still made.

"He, er...never got back last night," James said, when he saw Sirius looking. There was a moment of tense silence as they all looked at the empty bed, nothing yet another disappearance from their friend. Where did he keep going? Another secret to uncover.

Finally, Sirius shrugged, saying with forced cheer, "Probably off plotting the downfall of the Slytherins—evil genius, that one." James and Peter chuckled—also a bit forced—and they all silently agreed not to talk about it.

Classes were a drag, but they all made it fun. They acted as if the twins were royalty the entire day, holding doors for them, carrying their books, even leaping out of their seats to bow to them when they managed to transfigure their goldfish before anyone else in the class (which McGonagall did not find amusing). Mary kept talking in this funny posh accent that annoyed him but humored Athena, so she kept doing it.

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