Chapter 33

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Athena Black

She was never much of a cryer, but as soon as Sirius opened his mouth to tell her the words drawn out of Reggies mouth, a tear rolled down her face. A tear that felt like bleeding more than crying. It's tearing me apart. Regulus, the brother they spent their childhood protecting in the hope that maybe he would have a better one, was repeating the words that cut holes into her chest. Her mother's words.

She thought she would never lose a brother over the sorting but after that hat shouted Gryffindor at the twins faces, their family had been torn apart, shattered into pieces that no glue could put together. She was alone and scared.

When her mind stopped playing a cruel game with her she saw Regulus enter her room. He began walking as if on shattered glass, scared that if he opened his mouth he would mess things up. He already has, she thought bitterly.

"What has he told you?"

"What you told me Reggie boy or have you already forgotten, do the words come so easily that you already forgot?" She shot him daggers with a look and he refrained from continuing to put gasoline in the fire.

"I only told him what I heard mother say. Believe me please" she shook her head

"I need you both to leave"

"But-" Sirius started


"Fine" and so he left but Regulus remained behind

"Have you gone deaf"

"No just arrogant. Athena, I swear I don't believe them, I was just telling–"

"You already wrote all of that, there was no need to rub an old wound" silence

"You're right. I am sorry"

"After the talk we had, why?"

"I don't know"


"I am not mad but I can't forgive you right now. Leave"

So, reluctantly, he did.

Sirius Black

The rest of the summer was something out of a dream. The Pettigrews had less space at their house, so no one batted an eye when the boys suggested that Sirius just bunk up at the Potters'. After all, they were neighbors—it wasn't like it made any difference, right?

James's parents were the nicest people Sirius had ever met, like something out of a fairy-tale or postcard. Euphemia Potter was a kind-hearted woman who baked them cookies and treated Sirius like a son and Siriu wanted Thena to meet her desperately and he told Euphemia all about his little sister and she asked why she wasn't there and the conversation would stop. 

 Fleamont shared James's love of mischief, despite his age, as much as he tried not to think of him the man seemed interested and asked him questions, he would answer. He tried hard not to think of Thena, because he knew she was mad, but everything at the Potters reminded him of her and he wanted her to be there to share his joy, not at the lifeless house of Black. He wouldn't think of Regulus because he was mad with him.

Within the first two days, Sirius felt as comfortable at the Potters' as he did his own home—more.

They spent hours playing quidditch, as James was determined to get onto the team. The Potters had a summer home on the beach, and the boys spent days swimming and building sand sculptures that Fleamont enchanted to move around. As the summer drew to a close, they all went to Diagon Alley, and Euphemia bought them ice creams and let them go wherever they wanted.

The only thing that would have made it better was the presence of Remus, who remained conspicuously absent or his tiwn being there. All three of the other marauders tried to reach out to him, inundating him with letters, but they didn't receive anything back. That is—until the very end of the summer, just a few days before Sirius had to return home. He was the only one to receive a hastily folded paper, on which he recognized Remus's chicken-scratch:

Sirius stop writing, tell your sister to stop as well, I don't really have an owl, it's my dads and he is never home so I can't respond, sorry.


Hi guys, so this is the end of teh first year, I will apload the second on a diferent story, under the same name but with the addition of the second year so - What if they all lived? Second year-

As always remember to vote, share and coment and thank you all so much.

REmember this is also on ao3 although I recomend reading it here since, as you know, this is my first time over there and I still dont really know how it works.

Love you

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