Chapter 18

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Wednesday, 19th December 1971

Athena Black

She knew she and Sirius would have to stay as it was clearly stated or better yet yelled in their mothers letter that they wouldn't be welcomed but still it really hurt. Not seeing Regulus was making her heart ache, she knew nothing of him, if he was okay or not or if there was even more pressure on him now. He didn't write on their birthday, and that was nerve racking. What if Walburga finds out that he wrote to them?

There were two days left before kids would be going home, seeing their families, opening gifts and being happy.

 She watched silently as Mary and Lily packed in advance, having already tried and failed to convince Marlene to pack her things as well. "Are you sure you don't want us to sneak you out of here? We could take you to Mary's house and keep you a secret" Lily said while trying to decide what book to take home for the holidays 

"Real funny Lily but that won't happen '''' Oh come on! Don't be a buzzkill! Or is it that my poor old house isn't good enough for Athena Black?" The mocking accent was there for a reason but still there was something like maybe insecurities slipping through "Come on you know it's not that'' the girl nodded and went back to her duties resuming the conversation.

Sirius Black

"Just let me stay here!" James was saying what felt like a thousand times, he was just making him feel worse even if he knew his intentions were wholehearted. He'd already told him Thena was staying too but he wanted to just stay so that he wouldn't be the only one in the dorm 

"Youre saying my sister, my twin, the other me, isn't good enough company Potter" hed teased when he brought it up but James just kept insisting 

"Look, Potter, don't worry okay? Just leave and have a good Christmas and be happy okay? I'll miss you but I don't want you to stay because of me" He already suggested that the twins come to his house but that was just bollocks. " But Sirius!" The boy kept whining. The door opened and through it slipped Remus Lupin looking tired and irritated 

"What's the fuss about?" He asked, tossing a book on his bed and then throwing himself on it "Ugh Sirius won't let me stay here with him " 

"Well it's not like he owns the room we share it so stay if you want" Sirius looked just as confused as James. Had the boy not heard Walburga scream in the Great hall? No he was there. Maybe he's just confused, he shouldn't expect Remus to understand him as fast as James did 

"No, I mean he is staying for hols and I don't want him alone " the boy sat up straight and rolled his eyes '' First of all he's not your son potter nor your dog and second isn't his sister staying as well?" They nodded. So he was there. Yes he'd remember it.

 " Yeah but he'll be alone in the room what if he has nightmares or gets bored "

 " Now thats enough Potter you're embarrassing yourself have some dignity "

Sirius said, pulling the boy away from him, making him unlinking their arms. He tried to somoun Walburga when he said those words but he couldn't help but laugh when some sort of fist fight started happening as it always did 

"Well James if youre so worried I'll inform you that I am staying as well" the boy said throwing his hand in the air in a dismissing way "Why?" "Didn't you tell us?" James completed " Why do I have to tell you ?" And with that he locked himself in the bathroom and soon enough they heard the water run. They looked at each other in confusion. Remus was staying. That was good.

Thursday, 21st December, 1971

Lily Evans

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