Chapter 9

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Some light description of a panick attack in this chapter

First year- The prank

Wednesday 15th September 1971

Sirius Black

"Bet no one shows up for hours," Peter whinged, looking like he was about to pass out in his porridge bowl. He had been like that since Sirius first woke them up, but he couldn't help but feel excited. The night before they snuck into the Slytherin common room and with Lupins big gifted mind they put Rosehip on the boys beds. Sirius had suggested they told his sister so that she could do the girls beds, he knew she would have loved to, but Remus found various flaws with the plan. It would take Thena the entire night to do it alone, she had no invisibility cloak, the other girls wouldn't help, well maybe Mary and Marls would, and he didn't want to involve Athena or make her change the image she had of him. He told Sirius had grown quite fond of her. He didn't know why but it almost bothered him. Almost.

"Oh, cheer up," James poured them all large mugs of tea, "Don't want to see the fruits of our labor?"

"Not at six in the morning," grumbled Peter, slurping his tea loudly. Sirius winced at the sound and pushed a plate towards him,"Have some toast and stop whinging." he was honestly so tired of the boy. Sure he could be funny at times, but he was so annoying. Remus, who always seemed to perk up when presented with food, was already cutting a slice of toast into four pieces. Sirius watched as he layered a different spread onto each quarter-marmalade, jam, butter, and lemon curd. He raised a brow, bemused, when Remus caught his eye, but the other boy just smiled benignly and tucked into his breakfast.

Contrary to Peter's claim, it didn't take long at all for other students to begin trickling in for breakfast. Remus had just finished scarfing down his toast when a group of Slytherins arrived-three boys and two girls, third years.The four Gryffindors watched intently as they made their way to their table, sitting down and reaching out for platters of food.

Sirius felt as though he might burst with anticipation. They waited, but nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. The Slytherins poured themselves tea, buttered toast, and spooned eggs onto their plates without any difficulty. Sirius sighed, disappointed, and wondered if Remus had been wrong about the rosehip seeds... but that couldn't be, Remus was basically a genius. He always wondered how it was that if he didn't do his homework, he would be at the top of their classes in days, maybe even better than his sister or Evans.

But then. The tallest boy shifted in his seat, rubbing at his arm. His friend bent down, furiously scratching his leg whilst trying to act as if he were looking for something in his pocket. The third boy kept sticking his wand behind his ear to itch."It worked!" James whispered, excitement barely restrained in his hushed voice. Even Peter was smiling now, still blinking sleep from his eyes.

As the morning wore on, more and more Slytherins filtered in, and their problem quickly became obvious to any one watching. By seven o'clock, the Slytherin table was full of squirming, writing, scratching boys, and horrified girls looking on in dismay. It was completely hilarious-across the room, watching students snickered and pointed at the scratching Slytherins. One nasty-looking sixth year, Amycus Carrow, ripped his robes, school jumper, and tie clean off to claw at his chest-already bright as girls looked at him, disgust filling their faces.

Athena Black

Athena knew exactly who was responsible for this. Her brother never did know when to stop and when a joke wasn't really funny.

 But she couldn't control her laughter either and she tried and failed to feel bad for the kids that had nothing to do with what had happened in potions class but she knew her fair share of Slytherin kids and none of them were decent people. 

What if they all lived?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora