Chapter 24

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Athena Balck

Remus and the girl were walking around the castle grounds. It was chilly out but she wasn't usually cold. She preferred the winter over the summer. Remus had been quiet, she didn't mind it, she wasn't talking either, but a question had been eating at her for a while now.

"Remus-" the boy looked up from the ground and into her eyes

"Are you ignoring my brother because of the prank?" his eyes widened slightly


"You're a horrible liar"

"You would know much better"

"¡Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" she asked between laughs

"Nothing, I'm not ignoring your brother dont worry"

"Fine, don't tell me, but keep in mind you are wounding me" he laughed her off and they continued walking.

 Conversation quickly changed to ridiculous Ayra, a girl in the third year in SLytherin that kept messing with Thena because she knew her from family gatherings, with those pink ribbons in her hair and how it was obvious she tried to make them move as much as she could when walking.

Sirius Black

It was nearing the end of February when Sirius finally managed to crack the code. Well—"crack" might be a bit of a stretch, as he wasn't sure exactly what it was that made Remus decide to join them. But he had managed to find a prank that the other boy was willing to be a part of, Athena took a bit more of the convincing though and she ended up joining them for the prank. He felt almost giddy as they crowded under the cloak and made their way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Athena had become a cat and made sure that Norris' excuse of a cat in her words, was a far enough distance and they were safe from getting caught.

"Good to have you back, Lupin," Sirius said, once they had safely reached their destination.

"I haven't been anywhere." he said while Athena came back

"All clear" the girl said

"Come on, mate," Peter said, holding the ladder steady, "It hasn't escaped our notice that you've been avoiding us like the plague." Sometimes Peter's tactlessness came in handy.

"I haven't," Remus frowned defensively, "Just been busy. You know, studying and stuff."

"Oh, come off Lupin, you have. Now back to business" His twin resumed

"Well, I hope you're over that phase now," James said cheerfully, clutching the cage in both hands as he navigated slowly back down the ladder, "I'd really appreciate it if you stopped working so hard – it makes me have to work hard, you see, and I'm not used to the competition."

"Oh, do one, Potter," Sirius rolled his eyes, rummaging through some of the desks to keep busy. Athena slapped the back of Potter's head and he laughed it off, but it was clear to Sirius that his sister wasn't joking.

He beat Potter half the time in classes and Athena, if she didn't get a higher grade, she got the same, and they all knew it.

Remus seemed ready to change the subject, crouching down and gazing at the little blue pixies.

"How are we going to get them into the dining hall?" The creatures were sleeping right now, curled up at the bottom of the cage.

"Under the cloak," James said, spreading it with a flourish so that they could crowd back under. Sirius had already told his twin about the cloak but he couldn't help but laugh as her eyes widened.

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