Chapter 7

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First year- Aftermath and boring classes

Friday 10th September 1971

Remus Lupin

By the end of his first week of lessons, Remus had lost fifteen house points, learnt one spell, and gained another bruise; this time on his chin.The boys kept asking him tell the story of how he bit the shit of Severus over and over again, they kept teasing Lily about it too, and when they gave up on either of them telling them anything, they asked Thena, who told them everything in detail and taking extreme pleasure in it as well, describing every little facial expression that derared cross the boys face.

The first few lessons were okay – they were introductory, and while Lily Evans spent each class furiously scribbling down pages and pages of notes, nobody else seemed too bothered. Athena kept rolling her eyes as if it were completely unacceptable for them to be teaching stuff this easy at school. They were given a few simple pieces of homework, but Remus made a plan to pretend he'd forgotten to make a note of it if anyone asked.

Charms was the most exciting – the tiny professor enchanted a pile of pinecones to whiz around the room, to everyone's delight. After a few goes at the spell themselves, Lily had levitated her pinecone at least three feet in the air, and Sirius got his to spin like a top – until it got out of control and smashed a window. James, Peter and Remus had less luck, but Remus was sure his had jumped once or twice. Thena made her levitate as soon as the professor asked them too, looking absolutely like she would be anywhere but here.

Transfiguration was just as interesting, but much more serious, as it was led by Professor McGonagall. There would be no practical work at all during the first week, she explained, but she would be setting lots of homework in order to gauge their ability levels. He did none of it of course, how could he if when he tried to read the letters started dancing around. He told his father before, afraid to be called an idiot but his father didn't take him seriously and said he was just thick.

Potions was the most dreadful class ever. Everyone stares as soon as he enters the class. The professor had made seat changes so that the incident wouldnt repet it self, although sits always changed depending on what essay they were sent, sometime they did it in pairs and others, like now, they were four, they were usually four.

Athena Black

"I hate potion with a pasion" Lupin stated as he tossed the mint on the table, almost as if to say "I give up". Sirius rolled his eyes and slapped his hand away, taking the mint and cutting it so fast you could barely apreciate the movements. They were working in tables of four.

 The twins, Remus and Mary in the one far back and in the table in front of them, James, Peter, Marlene and Lily. They seemed to be doing great, with Lily being some sort of prodigy in potions which Athena had to say was worthy of applause, potions were hard for her and many other talented wizard kids and she got the hang of it in less than a week.

 Athena turned to look at Mary who was sitting a bit too close to her brother, he didn't seem to notice though "You do it if you are so smart!" Lupin said "Oh, but I am doing it, am I not?!" Mary gave him a light punch on the shoulder, but his gaze was fixed on Remus and Remus only. "Stop it both of you!" she finally snapped, Sirius leaned to give her the book as she started mixing the potion. They were supposed to do a hair growth potion. Athena and Sirius had been doing most of the work since neither Mary nor Lupin presented much signs of enjoying the task in particular. "This is so boring!" Mary said, leaning in her seat, balancing the chair with one foot. "Look, just cut this and stop whining will you" Sirius said rolling his eyes as evidently as physically possible, "If you keep snapping at each other we will never finish" she said now looking at the potion to see if it reached its boiling point, 

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