Chapter 12

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First Year: Lupin

Friday 15th October 1971

Sirius Balck

For the next few days, Remus Lupin was impossible to pin down. In classes, he doggedly ignored all of Sirius's attempts to catch his eye and purposely sat next to Thena. At dinner, he struck up conversations with Peter (who seemed both flattered and slightly frightened by the attention) to avoid speaking with Sirius. In the common room, if Sirius sat next to him, he would immediately leap out of his chair and make some hurried excuse to rush off. It drove Sirius mad.

When he complained to James about it, the other boy just shrugged neutrally.

"Yeah, but he's always running off, that one—are you sure it's something to do with you?" How oblivious was James at times.

 Sirius couldn't very well explain why he thought Remus was avoiding him, so he gave up whining about it and turned his attention to planning an ambush.His chance to talk to the boy came the very next week, during their flying lesson. Most of the kids had some experience on a broom, although some had more than others—James was insufferable, darting about and showing off with fancy loops and sharp turns. 

Sirius felt a prick of jealousy at the effortless way his friend roamed the sky, even though he was quite good himself; he wasn't entirely used to being shown up, yet. It was a fun clas, Thena knew how to fly although she didnt enjoy it and kept talking to Remus about how stupid was it that they were made to take this class. 

Sirius, as soon as they were off the ground, started a race with James. The task was to atke five loops. They were on the last one and he was about to win James, it felt good, he would later o keep talking of it and how he won and all that jazz, but then he saw Remus. Can't avoid me up here, can you? He slowed down considerably to cruise alongside Remus. "Having fun?"

"Piss off."


"I'm warning you, Black..."

"You can't punch me up here, Lupin, unless you want to let go of your broom."

"God, you're annoying."

"Yep." Sirius flew ahead, circling Remus like a planet in orbit, just to rub it in. The boy rolled his eyes. Thena passed them by and showed Sirius the middle finger just to remind him that he was losing to her.

They ended up falling because Remus wouldn't listen when he'd told him that he needed to straighten his legs to land, so he pulled him but that just made them both fall. Madam Hooch sent them to clean themselves and after Sirius got Remus to confess that he was in fact, avoiding him.

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