Chapter 25

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Athena Black

There was plenty to do in preparation for Remus's birthday, even without throwing a big party. Sirius had to bribe a third-year Hufflepuff into showing him where the kitchens were so that he could give the house elves a detailed request, and he spent a week tracking down every Gryffindor—even the seventh years—to sign a joint birthday card. He would not, however, tell the others where said kitchens where.

 The most time-consuming part, though, was trying to talk James out of forcing them all to go watch the Gryffindor quidditch practice after lessons.

Athena had been spending time, unsuccessfully, distracting the boy, so that he wouldn't find out about what exactly the party was going to be like.

"You really think I don't know what you're doing?" the boy asked

"Oh, I know you know, but they don't know we know" a pause "I just lost a brain cell"

"Didn't know you had those" the boy pushed her slightly

"You think you're funny, uh?" she asked, pushing back

"Oh,I think I'm adorable"

Mary entered the room and sat herself next to her. She pushed a strand of hair, blowing it, away from her face.

"I'm bored. Lily keeps talking about how her sister is insufrible, but I'm beginning to believe it runs in the family"

Athena had been kind of avoiding the redhead for the past couple of days. She just couldn't understand how or why she would ever defend the greasy looking piece of meat, after he insulted both the twins and Remus.

"Athena, where is your brother?" Athena smiled as a reminder of what Marlene had said to her about Mary liking her brother.

"He's with James, their switching magic made quills with muggle ones, so that they can't write alone." Remus said in an unbothered tone. The girl frowned.

"What?" he asked looking in between the girls

"You still haven't told her where though"

"Oh, cause I don't know"

"Well then I'm going to take a nap. I am absolutely knackered."

She got up and left.

What if they all lived?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang