Chapter 27

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Mention of blood *periods* and some slight child neglect (not explaining to your chid that the will get a period) harsh words and bad thoughts

thena Black

The next day she woke up as a cat. She transformed while sleeping sometimes.

A wave of hurt woke her up this time. She quickly made her way to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet and she looked down at her underwear in horror, before she knew it she was screaming. Blood was running down her thighs and stained everything.

She heard the girls getting up, Mary asking what the hell was happening and the door opened and she tried to cover herself but it was too late, Marlene and Lily had already entered.

"Oh sweetheart" Lily said

"I am bleeding to death, Oh lord! Do something, I will die from blood lost"

The girls stared at her in disbelief, as if this were some type of inside joke, she wasn't part of.

"Do not laugh! I am dying!"

"You aren't dying sweetheart" Lily continued

"Yeah, you just got your period" Marlene said


"Chill, didn't your mother give you the talk?"
"I mean I don't need her to tell how babies are made, I know that"

"I don't think you do," Lily said, bending down on her drawer and pulling out a blue box.

"Here" said said, giving her the box

"Lily, would mind explaining?"

They did. Mary learned a spell from one of her older friends and with a soft movement of her wand, the stains on the bed were gone. Marlene told her what a period is and left her completely traumatized. Lily went into heavy detail about what cycles are and her brain was just about to explode. Why did no one bother to tell her?!

"Hun!" Mary called for her "My owl brought you something"

She rushed out of the bathroom where she had been having some sort of mental breakdown and entered the room where Mary quickly gave her the letter.

"Not so quick. The owl had a note attached to her leg. It said to open it with Sirius, it's for the both of you" she sighed and rolled her eyes. She was going to get up but Mary grabbed her arm "Tell Sirius I said hi"

"Where are you going?" Marlene questioned.

"Well, i've got a temple to visit, Gods to pray to, you know, that sort of stuff"

"Wow, no need to be so nice" the girl smirked

"Sorry love, I  was going to the boys room"

"Oh, well tell James to come and find later on, i've got things to tell him. Turns out my aunt had a crush on his father when they were younger"

"Sure thing. Bye"

"Bye" the girls chanted in return

It was too early for a visit, but she recognized Reggies writing on the letter so Sirius wouldn't mind. She wanted to enter without waking the others. She pushed the door open and then transformed, as a cat, she walked over to the bed with the plack that read "Sirius Black" and, letter and wand in her mouth, she jumped on the bed. The boy moved a bit. She left the things she been holding down and went over to her brothers face. She bit his ear a bit and the boy opened his eyes. She'd done this many times before, at the manor, so the boy was used to it and didn't get mad or scared anymore. He got up and rubbed his eyes. It was six twenty in the morning.

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