Chapter 7: Only If Your Brothers Go With You

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- Y/N POV -

I close the door with a smile on my face, I turn around and rest my back on the door. He's so sweet, I think to myself as I stare up at the ceiling.


Dinner is coming to an end and I didn't tell my family about the invitation yet, I grabbed my plate then got up and put my plate in the sink along with my cutlery. "So, we got invited to a gift ceremony," I mutter but the volume of my voice seemed to be enough to get my family's attention.

"Who's ceremony is it?"

"What's a ceremony?"

"When is it?"

"How do we know that we can trust whoever gave us this information?" My family questions, I point to the family member when answering their questions.

"I don't know who's ceremony it is, a ceremony is like a party, and it is happening when there is a big crowd of people heading to that house on the mountain," I say that last part while pointing to the house that Mirabel was pointing to.

"Alright, you can go but your brothers have to go with you," My mother tells me, I nod my head furiously.

"Okay, can I go to work?" I ask excitedly, my Mom nods and I race out of the house. My tail wagging with excitement, ears upright, allowing me to hear anything that might get in my way and help me strategies to avoid it.

As I run by people, I hear their conversations and their comments about my running so fast, the comments vary from 'Go speedy' to 'She's got talent' I laugh at the comments. When I made it to the shop, I saw Camilo leaning against the counter talking to Alberto.

I run to the back of the shop and grab the sticker with my name on it, then go back to where Alberto and Camilo are talking.

"Morning Y/n," Alberto says, I wave while saying it back. I turn to Camilo and smile sweetly at him while waving.

"Morning Camilo," I say, but then I was interrupted by someone or multiple people by the sounds of their footsteps coming towards the shop. My eyes light up but then I smell who is coming, my brothers. My ears fall a little and my tail hides.

"What's wrong, Hermosa?" Camilo asked, I looked up at him.

"Oh uh, my brothers are coming," I answered, then the door opened and all three brothers were standing at the door. Sage walks to the paintings, Mathew walks to the carpets, and Daniel walks to the fidgets when they all start walking in my direction.

"Hi Y/n," Daniel says in a cheeky voice.

"Hello Y/n," Sage says in a sweet voice.

"Hey tiny," Mathew teases. I look down and fiddle with my fingers while my ears do into a resting position.

"Who are they?" Camilo and Alberto asked at the same time, I look up at them and sheepishly smile.

"Those are my brothers," I tell them, then I point to the brother when I say their names, "That is Sage, Mathew, and Daniel L/n,"

"Are you the guy Y/n was talking to yesterday?" Mathew asked, pointing to Camilo. He looked at Mathew and slowly nodded.

"Yeah, why?" Camilo asked

"Oh, I was just wondering. So I know who to kill next if you hurt my sister," Mathew muttered that last part making me look in his direction and glare. Sage and Daniel look at Mathew smiling at each other, nodding in agreement to what Mathew said.

"And you are her... boss?" Sage asked Alberto, he nodded.

The Werewolf and the Shape-shifter (Camilo x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now