Chapter 6

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Previously on The Hidden Spider

I kiss Bucky and he leads me into the bedroom where sitting on my bed holding a stuffed wolf is Carter. I walk over to the bed and drop down to my knees in front of him.

Carter looks up at me and opens his mouth.


I grab my baby and pull him into my arms and hug him. I don't let go of Carter even when Bucky falls on his knees too. He pulls Carter and me into a hug. I don't know how long we sat on the floor hugging but Bucky pulled us onto the bed and moved around until Carter was in the middle of us. I fall asleep with my son in my arms and Bucky's hand on my belly. 


Peter's Pov

It's been a week since we got Carter from Hydra and I have loved every minute that I have gotten to be with my son. I brought a toddler bed and put it in my bedroom and along with a lot of toys because I want to try and get Carter integrated into a life without Hydra. I will admit that I haven't wanted to take my eyes off of him because I'm scared that having Carter home and in my arms is just a dream and that I'm going to wake up and that Carter will be back in that cell in Sokovia living in fear. We haven't told Carter about the baby yet because we want to get him settled into his new life with us before we tell him about the baby. 

I'm 7 weeks pregnant and the baby is the size of a blueberry. My symptoms have been food aversions like I loved green papers but now I can't stand the smell or taste of them. The worst thing is the heartburn and I don't remember this from my first pregnancy with Carter. The baby's digestive system and brain are starting to form. The baby has doubled in size and I love knowing that the baby is growing and getting better. 

I have still been Spiderman but only doing small things like saving cats from trees or walking old lady's across the streets. The Avengers still have been on my ass but I have Bucky keeping them off my ass. 

The Stark internship is going well. I'm no longer throwing up in Tony's lab which is a good thing because it means that I can still hide my pregnancy from Stark and the rest of the Avengers for now. It will get a lot harder when I start showing. 

Leaving for school is so hard because Carter will run and grab my legs. He will start screaming and crying while telling me he doesn't want me to leave. It breaks my heart so badly. I hate Hydra even more because they caused this child to have severe separation anxiety from being away from Bucky and Me. Carter does the same thing with Bucky but he hangs onto Bucky's mental arm with such a tight hold. Bucky is the one of has to pull Carter off of me so that I can leave the apartment which makes Carter cry and scream harder. Hearing my son cry like that makes my heart break even more.  When I'm at school I have a hard time paying attention in class because my mind is on Carter which has made Bucky send me texts throughout the day. 

The field trip is tomorrow and I will be gone all day until about 10 pm that night because after the field trip and school I'm going back to the tower and working with Stark. Bucky agreed that he would stay home with Carter and he would only bring Carter to the tower for emergency reasons only.  I hate knowing that we have to have a plan just in case Hydra shows up. 


Today is the field trip to Stark Tower and I don't know how to feel about it. I get to school and check-in with the teacher. I get on the bus and sit down next to Ned who starts going on and on about possibly seeing an of the Avengers. I just listen and answer when he turns to me. I pull out my phone and see that I have a text from Bucky. I open the text and see a picture of him and Carter laying on our bed with Carter holding his stuffed wolf and he is asleep while cuddling Bucky's mental arm. I give a small smile and send a text back before putting away my phone. 

I watch as the tower gets closer and closer until we pull up the front of the building. I make sure that I have my badge which is red and gold. We get off the bus and walk into the lobby where I see one of my favorite people standing in front of us. Her name is Rose and she's a tour guide. When I first started my internship here, Rose was one of the first people to make me feel welcomed. Her badge is Blue because she is a tour guide. She passes out the badges which are white because they are visitors. I pull out my badge and because I can't be different in any way Flash sees and calls me out. 

"Parker why is your badge a different color". 

"I work here part-time". 

"It's true He is Starks personal intern". says Rose. 

Before anyone can say anything Rose moves us to start the tour. She takes us to the room of History for Stark Industries. As the tour goes on more I learn about Stark and not just from Hydra. We are told that we have an hour for lunch. Walking into the cafeteria, there are different little stands. I go to Dairy Queen one and order chicken strips with fries. Getting my food I sit down and get joined by Ned and MJ who both went to Taco Bell. As I'm eating I get this bad feeling which is proven right when halfway into lunch the doors to the cafeteria, I look up to see Bucky who is holding Carter in his arms. Carter is looking over his stuffed wolf and sees me. 

"Mommy". yells Carter. 

He starts to fight Bucky's hold and Bucky puts him down. Carter comes running over to me and I get down on my knees to pull him into my arms. I pick him up ignoring my classmates. My son is more important to me than my friends.  Bucky walks over to us and I stand up. 

"What happened". I ask 

"They found us". says Bucky. 

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