Chapter 11

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Comment if the baby should be a girl or boy Need to know by the next chapter


Previously on The Hidden Spider

Peter's Pov

We start making out and Bucky moves down to my jaw and neck where he starts sucking on my pulse point. Bucky's hands slide under my shirt and pull it off. His hands are over my body until Bucky's metal hand reaches into my pants and underwear to my clit. Letting out a moan as his fingers rub my clit. I feel a finger move down my wet pussy before it enters me.

"So wet for me and tight,". says Bucky

Bucky slips a second finger into me and starts thrusting his fingers before adding the third. I can feel my orgasm coming.

"Faster Buck. I-I'm going to cum"

Bucky moves his fingers faster until I'm cumming inside my underwear. Bucky removes his fingers and pulls off my pants and underwear before getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom. He comes back with a washcloth and wipes down my pussy before handing me a clean pair of underwear which I put on. Bucky gets back into bed, and I cuddle h before falling asleep with Bucky.


Peter's Pov

Hotdog is 19 weeks along and starting to move a little more. I'm now five months pregnant and look pregnant, but my doctor says that's normal for the second pregnancy because my previous pregnancy has stretched my muscles. Hotdog development for right now is that Hotdog is the size of an heirloom tomato, is about  9.46 inches, and 9.63 ounces which is good because Hotdog is right on track and getting bigger. In addition, Hotdog's fingerprints are formed and unique to Hotdog. Another thing with Hotdog's development is that Hotdog's sensory development is exploding like smell, touch, hearing, and vision. 

My symptoms have been nosebleeds which sucks, especially at night when trying to sleep, but it's worst considering that both Bucky and I are ex-Hydra agents, and because of Hydra, we don't like blood. I also noticed that I'm having slight shortness of breath which my doctor says is normal. I'm sleeping a lot more, too, which is expected.

I have been doing school online, which my friends don't understand but it's safer this way and people can't ask questions that I can't answer. In the mornings I have four classes then lunch before three classes in the afternoon. It's nice getting to see Bucky more during the day since I'm home. 

Despite the fact that Bucky and I are home almost all of the day, We decide to keep Carter in preschool because we think that it's important to have him socialize with kids Carter's age especially with the new baby coming. Carter loves going to school and playing with his friends whom he made during the first week. 

I just finished school and have about an hour before we have to go pick up Carter. Bucky pulls me into the bedroom where we have some fun time before my phone starts ringing. Out of breath, I grab my phone and see that it's Carter's preschool. 

"Hello". I say

"Is this Peter Parker"? asks the women 

"It is". I say

"We need you and your partner to come up to the school". says the women 

"Why"? I ask

"Someone took your son Carter when his class was outside playing". says the women 

"We are on our way". I say

I hang up the phone and start running around to get dressed and tell Bucky to get dressed also. 

"What happened Peter"? asks Bucky

"Someone took Carter". I say

We rush to the school and into the office. 

"What the hell happened to my son"? I ask

"His class was out playing when someone wearing dark clothes grabs Carter and took off running. We tried to stop the person but couldn't so we called you and the police". says the principal

"How the hell did this happen"? asks Bucky

Nobody said anything. 

"I'm calling in Tony and the team". says Bucky 

Bucky pulls out his phone and calls Steve. He tells them what happened while he is on the phone; Carter's teacher hands me his backpack and I start crying.

Bucky comes over to me and wraps his arms around me and my knees buckle and we go down. 

"Baby it's okay. We will find him".  says Bucky

"What if we can't find him"? I ask

"Kid, we will find him and bring him home". says Tony 

I start crying more because I hope to whoever is above that they find Carter and bring him home unharmed or I will use my skills taught from Hydra and kill whoever hurt my baby.  We had the tower and I sit on the couch feeling a little numb holding Carter's stuffed wolf that he always took to school with him. Bucky killed our handlers from Hydra so I don't know who would take Carter except for someone from Hydra that knew about us from Hydra but it would only be someone higher up since they were the only people to know about us. 

I hate knowing that Carter is somewhere and probably scared out of his mind. Right now I'm very thankful that the words Bucky and I had won't fully work on a two-year-old even if whoever took him had a copy of the words. 

"Peter". says Bucky

"Buck". I say

"We the Avengers are going to check on a lead and I want you to stay here until we get back". says Bucky 

"Please bring him home". I say

"I will bring him home and make our family whole again". says Bucky 

" I love you". I say

"I love you and Hotdog too". says Bucky

Bucky kisses me on the lips before pressing a kiss to my belly. 


I woke up on the couch about two hours later still holding Carter's wolf. Sitting up and grabbing my phone I see a text from Bucky saying that they are still looking for Carter and will be back in a few hours and that Bucky wants me to stay here in the tower because it's safer for Hotdog and me which I'm fine with because we don't know who took Carter. 

I get up and find something to eat before heading to the guest room and lying on the bed before falling asleep. 

Bucky's Pov

We have spent the last few hours looking for Carter and have decided to make shifts where some of us look while the others sleep which means I get to go back to the tower and get some sleep before going out and looking again. 

I return to the tower and the penthouse level to see that Peter is no longer on the couch.

"Friday, where is Peter"? I ask

"Peter is in the guest room sleeping". says Friday

"Thanks Friday". I say

I head to the guest room and see Peter sleeping hugging Carter's stuffed wolf to his chest. This has to be hard for Peter because this is the second time Peter has had Carter taken away from him and I can't fully imagine how it feels to have your child taken away from you for the second time especially pregnant with a second child. 

Climbing into bed and behind Peter to where I can spoon him. I put my mental hand on the baby bump holding our second child and my other hand on top of Peter's which is on Carter's stuffed wolf and fall asleep. 

The hidden spiderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz