Chapter 18

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Comment names for Hotdog

Previously on The Hidden Spider

Peter's Pov

As we settle into bed, the warmth of Bucky's body against mine fills me with a sense of peace and contentment. I nestle into his embrace, feeling his arms wrap around me protectively. Our hands naturally find their way to my growing belly, where our unborn child rests snugly between us.

With our hands interlocked over my belly, we share a quiet moment of reflection and anticipation. I feel the gentle rhythm of our baby's movements beneath our touch, a reassuring reminder of the life growing within me and the love that binds our family together.

As we drift off to sleep, I'm filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the love and support we share. No matter what challenges the future may hold, I know that as long as we have each other, we'll always find comfort and strength in each other's arms.


(30 weeks pregnant)

As I enter into my 30th week of pregnancy, the excitement and anticipation grow with each passing day.  At this stage, Hotdog is approximately the size of a large cabbage, weighing in at around three pounds and measuring about 15 inches in length from head to heel. Their senses are becoming more refined, with their eyes now capable of discerning light from darkness, and their ears attuned to the sound of my voice as I speak or sing to them.

I can feel Hotdog's movements with increasing intensity, their kicks and somersaults becoming more pronounced as they continue to assert their presence within me. It's a constant reminder of the miracle unfolding within my body, a tangible connection that fills me with awe and wonder.

As Hotdog grows, so too do the symptoms of pregnancy. I find myself experiencing a myriad of physical changes, from the ever-expanding girth of my abdomen to the occasional discomfort of backaches and leg cramps. Heartburn has become a frequent companion, making me reach for antacids more often than I care to admit.

Sleep has become a precious commodity, as the weight of my belly makes finding a comfortable position increasingly challenging. Yet, despite the exhaustion that sometimes threatens to overwhelm me, I find solace in the knowledge that every discomfort is a small price to pay for the joy that awaits me at the end of this journey.

As I eagerly await the arrival of Hotdog, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the incredible journey that pregnancy has been. From the first flutter of movement to the anticipation of holding my child in my arms, every moment has been a gift, a testament to the power of love and the miracle of life. As I count down the weeks until Hotdog's arrival, I am filled with a sense of joy and excitement that words alone cannot express.

As I watch Carter interact with Shadow, his beloved puppy, I can't help but feel a swell of pride and joy. The bond between them is undeniable, a testament to the love and care we've poured into training and nurturing both Carter and his furry friend.

Seeing Carter thrive in preschool fills me with a sense of relief and gratitude. Despite the challenges he's faced in his young life, he's blossomed into a bright and curious child, eager to learn and explore the world around him. His friendships at school are a source of immense joy for both Bucky and me, knowing that he's surrounded by supportive peers who bring out the best in him. His laughter rings out like music, echoing through the halls of our home and filling the air with warmth and happiness. And as he toddles around, his tiny hand clasped firmly in mine, I can't help but marvel at the miracle of his existence.

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