Chapter 19

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Last chance to comment on names for Hotdog


Previously on The Hidden Spider

Peter's Pov

As Bucky and I made our way to our own bedroom, hand in hand, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the love that surrounded us. In the quiet moments of the evening, as we lay together beneath the covers, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, united by the unbreakable bond of family. As sleep claimed us both, I drifted off with a heart full of love and gratitude for the blessings that filled our lives.


(32 weeks pregnant)

Peter's Pov

As I enter into my 32nd week of pregnancy, the excitement and anticipation continue to grow as our daughter's arrival draws nearer. Hotdog, our little miracle, is thriving within the safety of my womb, her development progressing with each passing day.

At this stage, our daughter is approximately the size of a squash, weighing in at around four pounds and measuring about 17 inches in length from head to heel. Her tiny body is becoming more defined, with plump cheeks and chubby limbs that fill me with awe and wonder.

As I lay my hand on my swollen abdomen, I can feel Hotdog's movements with increasing intensity. Her kicks and somersaults are a constant source of joy and amazement, a reminder of the precious life growing within me.

Meanwhile, my own body continues to undergo changes as well. The weight of my growing belly has become more pronounced, making simple tasks like bending over or tying my shoes a bit more challenging. Backaches and pelvic pain are frequent companions, reminders of the strain that pregnancy can place on the body.

But amidst the discomfort, there is also a sense of wonder and gratitude. Each twinge and ache is a small price to pay for the privilege of carrying our daughter, a reminder of the incredible journey of motherhood that lies ahead.

One of the highlights of this stage of pregnancy has been watching Carter interact with Hotdog. Our son has taken to talking to his baby sister, his voice filled with excitement and wonder as he shares stories and secrets with her.

He loves to put his hand on my belly, feeling for Hotdog's kicks and movements. It's a precious moment of connection between siblings, a bond that fills my heart with warmth and joy.

As I watch Carter talk to Hotdog, his face alight with happiness, I can't help but marvel at the beauty of this moment. Despite the challenges we've faced as a family, there is an undeniable sense of love and unity that binds us together, a bond that will only grow stronger with the arrival of our daughter.

With each passing day, the anticipation of meeting Hotdog grows stronger. We eagerly await the moment when we can hold her in our arms, showering her with love and affection as we embark on this new chapter of our lives together.

As I lay my hand on my belly, feeling the gentle movements of our daughter within me, I am filled with a sense of peace and contentment.


The morning sunlight streamed through the windows as  Bucky and I prepared to head to our doctor's appointment. With Hotdog's arrival drawing nearer with each passing day, there was a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation in the air.

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