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Previously on The Hidden Spider

Bucky's Pov

Watching Peter fall asleep, I smile before falling asleep too with one sentence on my mind. 

"Watch out Hydra, we are coming". 


 Peter's Pov

15 weeks pregnant and four months. I can't believe that I'm already four months pregnant. The baby is 6.57 inches from head to toe and weighs 4.13 ounces. The developments of the baby so far are that the baby is starting to move but I can't feel it yet and the baby is starting to look more like a human.  My symptoms have been gaining weight which means that Mr. Stark and  I have made some changes to my spiderman suit which means that I'm wearing a red and blue sweatshirt that hides my growing belly for now. Another symptom is heartburn which sucks because it's taking some of my energy. 

Both school and my internship have been going well.  I have been keeping up with all of my schoolwork and homework along with the academic decathlon team because I know that when it becomes known that I'm pregnant, I'm not sure how long it will last. 

I have been going out as spiderman but have been keeping myself to little things like walking old ladies across the streets, pulling cats out of trees, and other small things. 

Carter has been getting more use to being in the real world and not Hydra's world. To help with getting Carter around kids his own age Bucky and I enrolled Carter in preschool. He seems that be having fun in his class and his teacher said that Carter seems to get along with the other kids which is a good thing because it means that Hyrda didn't damage our son too much.  

Bucky and the Avengers have been dealing with Hydra base by base. I want to be with them but I know why I can't. Bucky told me about how it felt when he killed his, mine, and Carter's old handlers, and I cried with joy because the handlers were the ones with the code words.

I have been getting used to having a house and what comes with taking care of the house when Bucky is not here because we share the housework and raising of Carter. I know that it's been over 70 years since the 1940's but Bucky has told me that he hated the way women were treated back then because they could get pregnant. Now I'm no woman but I can get pregnant which means that back then I would have to stay home and take care of the house and kids. Bucky told me that something that he liked about the 21st century was how far all human rights have come. 

My school day ends in about an hour and I can't wait to be done and go get Carter from preschool before going home.  I just stare at the clock to wait until three o'clock because I want to cuddle my baby.  When the bell finally rings I'm the first person to jump up and run out of the classroom and to my locker. Opening my locker and getting everything I need. Closing my locker I see Ned is standing there. 

"Hey dude". says Ned

"Hey". I say

"Do you want to come over"? asks Ned

"Sorry Ned but I have my internship today". I say

"Ok maybe next time". says Ned

"For sure". I say

I feel bad lying to Ned but he doesn't know about Hydra and we haven't talked about what happened during the field trip. Walking to my car that came from Stark, I get in and head to the preschool. I park the car and get out. Walking into the office I tell them I'm here to pick up Carter Parker-Barnes.  They tell me where to go and I thank them before walking to the classroom where I can see Carter playing with a little girl in the play kitchen. His teacher greets me and tells me how today went before I walk over and kneel down. Touching Carter on the shoulder and I hate the fact that he flinches at the touch before Carter turns around and looks at me. 

"Mommy". says Carter

"Hi baby". I say

Carter wraps his little arms around my neck and I stand up and hold him.

"Ready to go home"? I ask

Carter nods his head. 

"Bye Ava". says Carter to the little girl

"Bye Car". says Ava

I grab Carter's backpack and we say bye to his teacher before leaving and getting Carter into the car and in his car seat. Since I'm hungry I drive to Mcdonald's and get a happy meal for Carter and I get a Chicken Nugget meal for myself before driving home. When we get home I sit Carter down at the table and give him his food before sitting down and starting to eat my own food. After we finish eating, Carter runs off to his room to play with his toys while I clean up the table before pulling out my homework and doing it. About an hour later Carter comes running up to the table.

"Mommy". says Carter

"Yes baby". I say

"Can I have a drink"? asks Carter

"Sure Baby". I say 

Standing up from the table I walk over to the kitchen cabinet where we keep the glasses and sippy cups. 

"What do you want to drink Carter"? I ask

"Chocolate milk please". yells carter from the couch

Grabbing a sippy cup and putting into on the counter I grab the gallon of Chocolate milk and pour it into the cup before putting the gallon back into the fridge. Walking over to the couch I give him.

"Thanks mommy". says Carter

"Your welcome". I say

Sitting down on the couch, Carter cuddles into me and puts one of his little hands on my bump. 

"Mommy". says Carter

"Yea baby". I say

"Was I in your tummy like hotdog"? asks Carter

"Yes you were". I say 

"How"? asks Carter

Shit. I hoped Carter wouldn't ask that until he was older and Bucky and I can explain sex to him and how a person gets pregnant.

" Daddy and I love each other so much that we used magic and put you in my tummy like hotdog". I say

Thankfully Carter turns to the Tv which is playing the Paw Patrol. At 6 I get up and head to the kitchen to start dinner which is going to be some alfredo pasta. While I wait for the water to boil I pull out my phone and text Bucky who is currently on a mission with the Avengers.

"I miss you". 

"I miss both you and Carter".

"Carter asked how hotdog got in my tummy today". 

"What did you tell him". 

"That we love each other very much and used magic". 



"Tell Carter I love him at bedtime for me and I do love you Peter." 

"I love you too".

Putting the noodles into the water, I go check on Carter who is still sitting on the couch watching Paw Patrol. Walking back into the kitchen I finish making dinner. I move Carter to the table and put a bowl of pasta in front of him and sit down next to him. After dinner, I clean up the kitchen before putting Carter into the bath and cleaning him. Getting Carter into bed I tuck him in. 

"I love you baby". I say

"I love you too Mommy". says Carter

"Daddy also said that he loves you". I say

"Will you tell Daddy that I love him"? asks Carter 

"Yes I will baby". I say

Leaning down I press a kiss on Carter's forehead. 

"Night baby". I say

"Night Mommy". says Carter

I get up and turn off the light, leaving the door creaked I had to my bedroom and change. Getting into bed I pull up my texts with Bucky.

"Carter says that he loves you. Goodnight Bucky, Please be safe and come home to us". I text him 

Laying down I fall asleep. 

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