Chapter 16

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Comment unique baby names


Previously on The Hidden Spider

Peter's Pov

Carter puts his ear up to my belly.

"I will protect you." says Carter

I don't want to start crying because Carter wants to protect her so much. Carter and I cuddle on the couch for the rest of the day until dinner. After dinner, Carter gets a bath before we put him to bed. Bucky rubs my feet before we go to bed. Once he is done, we lay down spooning with Bucky's hand on my belly.

"Goodnight and I love you." I say

"Goodnight, I love you and Hotdog so much." says Bucky 


(28  weeks pregnant)

(Third trimester)

Peter's Pov

I'm officially in my third trimester and 28 weeks along with Hotdog. It's hard to believe that I'm already 28 weeks and I can't wait to meet this little girl. It's still hard to wrap my head around that I'm having a girl. Bucky and I have been discussing names we want to use and names we don't want to use. Bucky doesn't want to use any names from his past and I can understand that because it could bring up memories that Bucky might not think about. Hotdog is the size of a large eggplant, she is about 14.81 inches from head to toe and weighs around 2.69 pounds. She has been kicking a lot more and moving more. My OB has me doing a check-up every two weeks. My symptoms have changed a lot over the last few weeks but something new that started this week was that I have started leaking colostrum which I didn't have with Carter although Bucky likes it during sex. Our sex life has gotten better and calmer than what we normally like but I'm okay with it. 

Carter has been settling in well to living in a new state and he has gotten more comfortable in his preschool class, he has made so many friends that we have been letting Carter have play dates and we get to know more about the parents. Thankfully nobody has commented about the age difference between Bucky and me. Carter has been doing good in therapy and his therapist has told us that Carter loves talking about Hotdog and how he will protect her no matter what because he doesn't want what happened to him to happen to her. After hearing that, Bucky and I sat Carter down and talked to him about Hydra and how we would never let Hydra break up our family again. He told us that he loved us and would still protect us. Carter's birthday is next week and we are having a small birthday party with some of Carter's friends. Bucky and I have been planning a special thing for Carter and I think that Carter will like it. 


(March 23)

Bucky's Pov

Today is Carter's birthday and it's hard to know that Carter is three years old. I have only really known about Carter for about seven months and with everything we have gone through, I can't believe he is three. I was the first person to wake up and turning over, I saw that Peter was still asleep and he looked so beautiful and I was happy that I got to wake up with him. Reaching over, I put my hand on his belly and felt Hotdog kick. 

"I can't wait to meet you."

I feel her press what I'm guessing is her foot against my hand. I can't wait to meet this little girl and love her just like I love Carter.  I get out of bed so that I can make breakfast. In the kitchen, I pull out everything I need to make pancakes which Carter loves. As I'm halfway through making the pancakes, I feel arms wrap around my waist. 

"I love seeing you being all domestic." says Peter

"Oh yea?" I ask

"Yea, turns me on." says Peter

Peter moves to sit down at the counter and watches me. 

"Is Carter still sleeping?" 

"Yeah, when I checked up on him before coming down here, he was snoring away." 

I nod my head


Peter's Pov

I watch Bucky cook the bacon before I get up and head upstairs to wake up the birthday boy. Going into Carter's room, I see that he is still sleeping. 

"Carter, it's time to wake up." I say

I start rubbing his back as Carter starts waking up.

"Moning mommy" says Carter

"Good morning birthday boy." I say

Carter sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes before he carefully climbed down from his bed and we got downstairs. Carter sits down in his chair and waits until I start to put food onto his plate. 

"Happy birthday Carter." says Bucky

"Thans daddy." says Carter

Once we get done with breakfast, Bucky takes Carter upstairs to change for his party which is at 2 at an indoor playground but we are going early to set up the party room. After all of us are dressed and ready to go, Bucky puts Carter into the car and we head to the cake shop to pick up the cake before heading to the indoor playground. We get there and check in before moving into the party room and start setting up. As Carter's friends start to show up, Bucky follows them to the playground while I sit in a chair. I ended up talking to some of the moms about the baby and how my pregnancy had gone so far. I can't tell if any of the moms know how old I am which could be a good thing because then they won't know how old I was when I had Carter or how I had Carter. 

It's been about an hour since they went to play before they came back into the party room and we had cake and presents before the kids went back to playing. Once Carter comes back after another hour, we start cleaning up. Carter says bye to all of his friends before we leave and head back home. Once we get home, Bucky takes the presents inside and grabs our present while I bring Carter inside and have him sit down on the floor.  Bucky comes from the kitchen holding a 10-week-old puppy in his arms. 

"Happy birthday Carter." we say

"It's a puppy." says Carter 

Bucky puts the puppy on the ground and he goes to Carter and starts licking his face, which makes Carter start to giggle. 

"What's his name?" I ask

"Shadow." says Carter

Carter spends the next few hours playing with Shadow, only stopping to eat dinner which is Mac and Cheese before I bath Carter before we put him to bed. 

"Where is Shadow sleping?" asks Carter

"He's going to sleep in a crate until he is potty trained." I say

Carter nods his head. 

"night mommy and daddy." says Carter

Carter leans down and kisses my belly.

"night Hotdog." says Carter

"Goodnight Carter. Have sweet dreams." Bucky and I say

Bucky and I get ready for bed and once we are in bed start cuddling. 

"Goodnight Bucky. I love you." 

I kiss him

"Goodnight Peter, I love you too and goodnight Hotdog." 

Bucky kisses me before kissing my belly. 

We fall asleep

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