Ch. 8

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Previously on The Hidden Spider

After spending an hour laying on Bucky, I get up and head to bed because it has been a long day. I climb into the bed and watch as Bucky comes in before he gets into the bed. I fall asleep knowing that my family is safe for now.


8 weeks pregnant. It's hard to believe that I'm only 8 weeks with this baby. The baby is the size of a kidney bean. Right now the two biggest baby's development is that their respiratory system is forming and the nerves are starting to spread and make connections which makes me happy because it means that the baby is growing. The changes to my body have made it a little bit more real that I'm pregnant with my second baby. My nipples have been getting darker and I can feel my pecs getting a little bit bigger. I think my two worst symptoms have been Headaches and Morning sickness. 

Right now we are still living in the Stark tower. I want to start looking for a house because I don't want to live in the tower forever.  Bucky and I have been talking about out maybe moving out to a cabin or getting a house on private property. I want to move on private property because if Hydra shows up again that we can have them arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D which means that Bucky is going to have to talk to Fury. I made Bucky set up a meeting with Fury and he is going to the meeting because I can't and being pregnant means that I shouldn't deal with the stress of having to talk to Fury. 

Carter has been having a hard time dealing with the sudden move to the tower and I don't fully blame him. Carter went from a cell with Hydra to being back with me and Bucky and now he has been moved again and is now living with five other people.  Carter is one of the reasons why I want to find a house soon. I'm hoping that Carter will not fully remember this time when he gets older. I want him to remember only the good parts from when he came back into our lives. Bucky and I have talked about what we are going to tell Carter when he's older. It's important for both Carter and this baby to know who Bucky and I are along with our past. 

Bucky comes into the bedroom and sits down on the bed.

"I don't like Fury". says Bucky

"What did Fury do to you"? I ask 

"Two things. First, he knows who are you like that your spiderman. Second thing is that Fury will only send SHIELD if Hydra tries something". says Bucky

"I was kidnapped from S.H.I.E.L.D  when I was nine years old and Fury won't do anything about Hydra". I say

"Yes". says Bucky 

I pull Bucky down onto the bed with me and lean into his side.

"What are we going to do"? I ask

"We deal with Hydra then raise our family". says Bucky 

"We are going to need the Avenger's help and I should tell them I'm spiderman and pregnant". I say 

"We can talk to them in the morning". says Bucky. 


12 weeks pregnant. The baby is the size of a lime and I finally have a small baby bump. If you didn't know that I was pregnant then you would think that I was bloated. Carter loves to touch my bump and say that his baby hotdog is in there which is very cute. The baby's development for 12 weeks is that he or she stomach and esophagus have formed and the intestines are starting to form. The baby is making small movements. My symptoms have been Headaches, Dizziness and I'm still having food aversions which sucks because I miss coffee. 

The last four weeks have been crazy but things are starting to settle down. Bucky and I talked to the rest of the Avengers about Hydra, me being spiderman, and told them that I'm pregnant. At first, everyone was confused about the pregnancy, not how I got pregnant it was more about the why. We told them that this baby was not planned but that didn't mean that Bucky and I were mad or upset about it because baby Hotdog ( Carter's name for baby) is our chance to make our family right and get to be parents that we didn't get to be to Carter. 

We moved out of the tower and into a cute one-level three-bedroom house that is outside of Queens which Mr. Stark helped us get. The house is perfect for our family and I'm in love with it. Carter is happy to have his own room and he got to pick out the paint color for his bedroom which means that Carter's room is a mix-match of green, blue, red, yellow, and grey but he loves it.  

I have a few ideas about the baby's nursery but I want to find out the sex of the baby first before starting on the nursery. Bucky is looking forward to doing the nursery and it makes me happy to see him happy. The OB says that we found out the gender between 16 weeks to 20 weeks. 

School has been going fine. The teachers and principal were not happy about me leaving the field trip but the school got a call from Nick Fury and told them that I'm under SHIELD protection which I don't get because I'm not under protection from Shield but I'm not going to say anything because it got me out of detention for the rest of the school year and didn't get me banned from the academic decathlon team. 

The Stark internship is going great, Mr. Stark has me working on my Spiderman suit and I can help with the rest of the Avengers gear as long as I'm safe and not working with anything that could harm the baby. When I'm not working with Mr. Stark then I'm with one of the other Avengers.

 My favorite to hang out with besides Mr.Stark is Bruce Banner because I love his work with Biochemistry, Nuclear Physics, and Gamma Radiation. I don't mind the Hulk and I feel like could be friends with both Banner and the Hulk. 

When hanging out with Banner, we talked about how the Hulk came to be and I told him about how I ended up with my powers, becoming Spiderman, The winter spider, and how I ended up intersexed. It's strange talking about what Hydra did to my body which gave me Carter and this baby. Today Banner and I talked about my pregnancy with Carter and how Hydra treated me during the pregnancy and how this pregnancy is different from Carter's. I think that because I'm older now with this pregnancy than when I was pregnant with Carter, I know more about what is happening to my body this time. 

Getting home I'm hugged by Carter before I can even get to the front door of the house. Carter starts talking about his day and what he did with Bucky while I was gone. I love hearing his stories about how he made daddy play dress-up with him and how he got to play and paint outside today. I get inside the house and put Carter into his highchair where Bucky put a plate of chicken nuggets and fries for dinner which Carter starts eating because he loves Chicken nuggets.  I greet Bucky with a kiss and he kisses back. 

"How was your day"? 

"It was good. Happy to be home". 

"We are happy that you are home too". 

Eating dinner, doing homework, and putting Carter to bed. Standing in the doorway of Carter's room watching him sleep, cuddling his stuffed wolf, I feel arms wrap around my waist and rest on the baby bump. 

"What are you thinking about Pete"?

"How much I want to destroy Hydra". 

"We will". 

I nod my head and let Bucky into our bedroom and into the bed where I cuddle into his chest and fall asleep. 

Bucky's Pov

Watching Peter fall asleep, I smile before falling asleep too with one sentence on my mind. 

"Watch out Hydra, we are coming". 

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