Chapter 17

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A lot of this chapter is Peter remembering his pregnancy with Carter when he was still the Winter Spider and under Hydra's control and his thoughts as he recalls the memories.


Previously on The Hidden Spider

Peter's Pov

Bucky and I get ready for bed and once we are in bed start cuddling.

"Goodnight Bucky. I love you."

I kiss him

"Goodnight Peter, I love you too and goodnight Hotdog."

Bucky kisses me before kissing my belly.

We fall asleep


(29 weeks pregnant)

(Third trimester)

Peter's Pov

Hotdog is the size of a butternut squash, 15.48 inches head to toe, and weighs 3.04 pounds. It's still hard to believe that we are having a little girl and I can't wait to meet her. 

Dealing with cramping at 29 weeks pregnant is throwing me for a loop, especially since it's something I hadn't experienced in my first pregnancy with Carter. It's like my body is throwing me a curveball right when I thought I had everything under control.

At first, I tried to brush it off as just another part of the pregnancy journey—after all, everyone says pregnancy comes with its fair share of discomforts, right? But as the cramps persisted and intensified, I couldn't help but worry. What if there's something wrong?

I've been doing my best to stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, and take it easy, but it's hard to relax when every twinge and ache leaves me on edge. I've even tried changing positions, stretching, and taking warm baths to alleviate the discomfort, but nothing seems to help.

I know I should probably talk to my doctor about it, but there's a part of me that's afraid to admit that something might be wrong. What if it's a sign of preterm labor or another complication? What if I'm putting myself and the baby at risk by ignoring the warning signs?

But then again, what if it's nothing to worry about? What if I'm just overreacting and making a big deal out of nothing? As I lay here, feeling another wave of cramps wash over me, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the uncertainty of it all. All I can do is hope and pray that everything will be okay, and that these cramps are just another temporary hiccup in this wild ride called pregnancy.

After much deliberation, I finally decided to talk to my doctor about the cramping I've been experiencing at 29 weeks pregnant. As nervous as I was, I knew it was the right thing to do. My baby's health was too important to ignore any potential warning signs.

Sitting in the examination room, I felt a mix of anxiety and relief wash over me. When my doctor entered, I took a deep breath and explained what I'd been feeling—the sudden onset of cramps, their frequency, and their intensity.

My doctor listened attentively, nodding along as I spoke. She asked me a few questions to get a better understanding of the situation, and then she performed a thorough examination. Afterward, she reassured me, explaining that while cramping can be concerning, it's also quite common in pregnancy. She told me that as the uterus expands to accommodate the growing baby, it's normal to experience some discomfort, especially in the third trimester.

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