Chapter 13

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Previously on The Hidden Spider

Peter's Pov

I feel someone poking me in my cheek. Opening my eyes and quickly shutting them again. Another poke to my cheek has me opening my eye again and they stay open this time. Sitting in front of me is my baby boy who I have missed a lot. Sitting up, I gather Carter into my arms and hug him.

"We found him at my old family home. Bruce says that he is fine and clean". says Bucky

I nod my head and keep hugging my baby.

"I love you so much Carter". I say

"I lowe you too mommy" says Carter.

Bucky joins us in bed and we fall asleep with Carter in between us.


(25 weeks pregnant)

Peter's Pov

I'm officially 25 weeks pregnant and I can't wait to meet Hogdog. We still don't know the sex of Hotdog because we want it to be a surprise but I'm hoping for a girl because we have Carter and I really want a little girl. I think that Bucky would also love a little girl too.  Hotdog is the size of a rutabaga, is 13.27 inches from head to bottom and is about 1.74 pounds. Hotdog has been kicking a lot especially in my ribs which sucks since Hotdog has two superpowered parents. I have some bruising on my belly near my upper ribs from the kicks. 

My doctor says that I'm growing for 25 weeks and I look pregnant. My symptoms have been a lot of itching on my belly because my skin stretches around Hotdog. Bucky loves rubbing my belly and feeling Hotdog kick. I love that Bucky is getting to be around for this pregnancy and I know he is happy about being here too. I'm also happy because this time around, I get to remember this pregnancy and experience the pregnancy without the threat of Hydra and worry about my baby getting taken away from me to be raised as a weapon like Hydra tried to do with Carter. Plus I'm older for this pregnancy which means that my body can handle the pregnancy better.  

As for Carter, he seems to be doing okay after being kidnapped although Carter seems to be wanting to stay around Bucky or me. Bucky and I have talked about getting a children's therapist because of what happened. Carter has been through a lot since he was born because of Hydra and we want to make sure that he will be okay as he grows up and we get ready for Hotdog's birth. I don't want Carter to feel replaced when Hotdog arrives. I know that he was happy when I first found out that I was pregnant but now with the kidnapping, we want Carter to understand that he is not being replaced with Hotdog. The reason for the therapist is to help us get the point across to Carter in a way that we can't as his parents or in words that he would understand for a 2-year-old.  

For the last few weeks, we have been working on trying to find a new house because the one we are in right now is temporary and I don't feel safe here because the daycare had our address on file, plus New York doesn't feel like home anymore to me or Bucky. We are debating if we want to stay in New York and keep working with the Avengers or move out of state and away from the fighting which is something I really want to do. If we do move out of state, we are looking at four states. North Carolina, Kentucky, Iowa, or Kansas because they are the states we liked the most when we were looking at states to move to. We have also been debating if we move out of state, before or after Hotdog is born. If I had it my way we move before Hotdog is born but I know it won't be easy to move states pregnant with a two-year-old.


Bucky's Pov

There are 16 weeks left until Hotdog is born and I can't wait. It has been amazing to see Peter's belly growing week by week. Getting to watch Hotdog grow and listen to their heartbeat is something I will always remember especially since I didn't get to be there when Peter was pregnant with Carter and I can't help but feel robbed with Carter. I hate the fact that if Carter asks about his time as a baby, I can't say anything about it because Hydra kept us apart after they forced us to have sex when Peter was 12 years old and Carter was born in 2015 when Peter was 13 years old. I know what people are going to think when they see us and with Peter's age, then they are going to think the wrong thing but that is fully Hydra's fault but despite everything we love each other. 

I have been staying home with Peter and Carter because Carter doesn't want us away from him since he was kidnapped. It's one of the reasons why we are getting a therapist for him because Peter and I just want Carter to be a happy toddler and kid as he gets older and for him not to remember Hydra and everything they did to him. Our past is something we also want to get away from which is why Peter and I have been debating about moving away from New York but the question is if we chose to move out of New York and walk away from the Avengers, do we do it before Hotdog is born or after. To be honest I kind of want to move before Hotdog is born but we need to decide on a state to move to. 

We are going to start traveling to the four states for house hunting and we plan on starting in North Carolina. The good news is that Peter is doing online school because of Hotdog which means that we can leave to go house hunting. Peter told Tony that we are going to start looking at houses out of state because we want away from here and the past we have in New York. We leave next week for North Carolina where we are meeting a real estate agent and we will be looking at three houses for moving to Kentucky to look at houses. 

Right now Peter is feeding Carter dinner before I'm in charge of putting Carter to bed. Peter comes into the bedroom holding Carter on his hip.

"He is ready for a bath with Daddy". says Peter 

"You ready for a bath"? I ask 

"Bath time". says Carter 

I take Carter from Peter and into the bathroom, putting him down and undressing him before putting him into the bubble bath. Taking a cup, I pour water over his head before giving the cup to Carter so that I can wash his hair. After his hair, I wash the rest of Carter's body while he pours water over my head before taking him out of the bath. I dry him before putting on his nighttime pull-up and then his paw patrol pjs. We meet Peter in Carter's room where together we put Carter to bed. 

Once Carter is in bed, Peter and I clean up the kitchen before we go to bed. 

"Goodnight. I love you". says Peter

"Goodnight. I love you too". I say

We fall asleep. 

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