Chapter 5

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Previously on The Hidden Spider

I walk out of the bathroom and grab Bucky pulling him into the bathroom. He looks at the counter and sees the tests.



"Are these what I think they are".

"We are going to be parents".

Then I watched the famed Winter Solider faint.

"That's your papa". I tell my flat stomach. 


Peter's Pov

After Bucky fainted I just looked at him before walking over him and into the kitchen. I make some tea and wait for Bucky to come too. After finishing my tea I start on my homework and about 30 minutes later Bucky comes walking out of my bedroom and sits down on the couch next to me saying nothing.


"Yes Bucky"

"Is it really true that your pregnant".


"This baby will be our second".

"I know"

"I want to find our son". says Bucky

"He will be two years old and probably in one of the bases. He will also probably not remember we are his parents".

"No kid should be raised like that and I want a better life for our son".

"Let's go find our son".

The first thing we do is try and find which base Hydra could have put our son. We know that he is not in the base in Russia or Germany. Bucky thinks that they might have taken him to the base in Siberia because of the fact that was where the Winter Solider and all of the rest of the super Soldiers were kept under cryostasis until they were needed. Another location they could have taken him to was the one in Sokovia where Hydra has been doing human experiments since the Battle of New York thanks to Loki and the Avengers. Since they are doing human experiments, nobody would notice a baby who was not a Sokovian citizen being brought in and raised. We agreed that we would go to Siberia and Sokovia soon. 

Over the few two weeks, Bucky and I have been looking into the Hydra bases where our son could be. I find a doctor and midwife who deal with male pregnancy only. They said that I'm 6 weeks pregnant. The baby is the size of a lentil and my symptoms are morning sickness, my chest has been tender to the touch, and I have to pee a lot. I don't remember my first pregnancy a whole lot because of brainwashing. I do remember the birth of the baby which hurt a lot. I knew Hydra was to take the baby so I never told anyone what I was going to name him. The name I gave my unborn son so that I could connect with him before Hydra took him away from me. I named him Carter Maverick Parker- Barnes. Bucky might have not known that he was the one who got me pregnant but I did. After Carter was born the only time I was allowed to see him was three days I was in the hospital wing. When they took him, it hurt my heart and I cried. For the next few weeks, I cried so much because I missed my son. 

When I ran away from Hydra with Bucky, Carter was on my mind the whole time and I wish we could have taken him with us but I didn't know where he was taken.  A week after leaving Hydra I told Bucky about Carter. He was upset that he raped me under Hydra's control. I told him that I didn't care how I got pregnant just that I loved and missed my son. 

School has been okay I guess but half of the time my mind is on Carter and this unborn baby because of Hydra. I'm so scared that Hyrda will find out about this baby somehow and take this baby away from Bucky and me again.  Bucky doesn't know about this fear of mine because he wasn't around the first time. I make sure that my homework and school are done so that the teachers don't think something is wrong. 

The Stark internship is going fine but I know that Tony knows something is wrong because I threw up yesterday when I walked into his lab. I told him that it must have been something that I had eaten. He believed me until I threw up again. He sent me home after that and told me not to come back until next week because the Avengers are going on a mission tomorrow. When Bucky got home I asked him what the mission was. He told me that he and the Avengers are going to the Hydra base in Sokovia because the Avengers got word that Loki's Scepter from the Battle of New York. I made him promise that while he was in Sokovia to stay safe and not of Hydra's reach along with looking to see if Carter is there, If he is then Bucky needs to take him. 

Bucky's Pov

Today the Avengers and I are heading to Sokovia to try and get the scepter while I look for my son. I get out of bed and watch Peter turn to lay on his back. He is not wearing a shirt and I can see the little baby bump. Since Peter is only 6 weeks the bump is not really there or noticeable yet but since this is his second pregnancy it's a little bit more there. I walk over to the bathroom and do my business. Leaving the bathroom I walk back over to the bed and lean down and kiss Peter on his lips than on the little baby bump.

"Be safe". 

"I will"

I leave and head to the tower. Walking in I see Steve waiting for me. After everyone is ready we board the Quinjet and head to Sokovia. When we get there and make our way to the base I make sure to not be seen by any Hydra agents. While the rest of the team fights Hydra I head inside of the base and walk over to the cells. I see one cell that is dark but I can see eyes looking at me. Looking at the wall next to the cell is the information on who is in the cell. 

Name: W-139

Age: Two years old

Carrier: Winter Spider- 239 

Father: Winter Solider(Barnes)

Looking into the cell I get the first look at mine and Peter's son. Using my metal arm I break the glass and the little boy comes running out and grabs my leg. I can hear an alarm going off so I pick up Carter and run with him. Getting to the Quinjet I can see everyone looking at him. 


"Yes Steve"

"Who is the kid" 

"My son". 

I don't awnser anymore of the questions being asked, I just look at my son and hope that he remebers Peter. When we get back to New York, before anyone can stop me, I take Carter and we head to Peter's. I can feel Steve and the team following me. I use my tricks as the Winter Solier and make it to Peter's without the Avengers knowing. 

I lay down Carter on the couch who is sleeping and wait for Peter to get home from school. 

Peter's Pov

When I get home  from school I see Bucky sitting on a chair at the kitchen counter. 


"Hey darling"

"How did the mission go". 

"We got the Scepter but I got something else that is a lot better".

I can feel myself start to cry. Buck walks over to me and wipes away the tears. 

"You -you got". 

"I got our son back darling". 

I kiss Bucky and he leads me into the bedroom where sitting on my bed holding a stuffed wolf is Carter. I walk over to the bed and drop down to my knees infront of him. 

Carter looks up at me and opens his mouth.


I grab my baby and pull him into my arms and hug him. I don't let go of Carter even when Bucky falls on his knees too. He pulls Carter and me into a hug. I don't know how long we sat on the floor hugging but Bucky pulled us onto the bed and moved around until Carter was in the middle of us. I fall asleep with my son in my arms and Bucky's hand on my belly. 

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