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Peter's Pov
It's been a year since I got away from Hydra and I'm back in school. I met Ned again and he was shocked to see me back after six years. I told him I moved and now I moved back. Flash was shocked to see me too. After school, I went to my apartment that I bought using the money that I stole from Hydra. Me and Bucky have been talking to keep in touch. Bucky tells me how much he remembers of his past. I tell him to keep learning. I became Spiderman to use my powers for good after so many years of using them to kill people. Spiderman saves people and cats from trees. I was used by hydra as a killer. It's been a year since we got away and I have been trying to stay as Hidden as I can. I have been doing homework and hanging out with Ned and a girl named MJ. Ned told me MJ moved here after I had been gone for four years. Fury is alive and I been trying to stay away from the Avengers. I have been removing my trigger words so Hydra can't use them against me.

Steve's Pov
I was working out when Fury called a meeting about something. "I need you to get your hands on Spiderman". says Fury. "Why". asked Tony. "We don't know anything about who this person is and what they can do". says Fury. I look around and everyone is nodding their heads. Tonight we are going to find Spiderman and bring him in.

Peter's Pov
I get on the roof of a building and see Iron man and Captain America standing there. "Hi boys". I say. "Spiderman". they both say. "Can I help you". I ask. "We need you to come with us". says Iron man. "I'm not going with you". I tell them. "You don't have a choice". says, Captain America. I run and jump to the next roof. I hear Rogers running after me and I use a skill taught to me by Bucky and something I have seen by done in front of Steve before. I stop running and look at him. He throws his shield at me and I catch it just like Bucky did a year ago. "Your friend did this a year ago Rogers". I say. "How do you know about Bucky". asked Rogers. "Ask Fury". I say. I run and miss the arrow shot by Hawkeye and I get home.

Steve's Pov
What does Spiderman know about Bucky? We get back and meet with Fury. "What happened". Fury asked. "He caught my shield and talked about what happened a year ago". I say. "How". asked Fury. "He said to ask you". I say.

Fury's Pov
I remember a kid a year ago. Oh god, he was taken by hydra at nine then we saved him then he was taken again. A year ago Peter showed up again but with the Winter Soldier. He showed up at the hospital and knew I was not dead so he had to hear my heartbeat. Which would be hard because he was only wearing a shirt and jeans. I knew something was not right with him. I had heard around that the Winter Soldier and his friend got away from Hydra and now they don't know where the Winter Solider is but it seems his friend is here and is Spiderman but I'm not going to tell the Avengers that.

Tony's Pov
We all look at Fury who has zoned out and is thinking about something. "Tony". says Fury. "Yes". I say. "I need you to give a Stark internship go a teen named Peter Parker". says Fury. "Why". I asked. "I need the Avengers to keep an eye on him". says Fury.

Peter's Pov
After school, I get my mail and see a letter from Stark Industries.

Dear Mr.Parker
I have seen your work at Midtown High and talked to your teachers. The reason I'm doing this and only for you is that your really smart and as a sophomore you're taking Senior classes and passing them. I'm giving you an internship to be my personal intern. I feel like you could really help here at Stark Industries and after you get out of high school you will have a job while you go to college. 

Email this address if you are taking the internship:
From Tony Stark

I read the letter over and over thinking how the hell did this happen. I'm taking the internship to see what Tony and the Avengers have on Spiderman and see what they have on Bucky. I send an email saying I will take the internship. After that, I look at my phone and see a text from Bucky.

Tony's PovI was sitting in my office when I got an email from Peter Parker and he's taking the internship

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Tony's Pov
I was sitting in my office when I got an email from Peter Parker and he's taking the internship. I send back an email saying when he will stark and that I'm going to send Happy to pick him up after school that day. Jarvis tells me I'm wanted in the common to with the rest of the Avengers because Fury was here with somebody. I tell Friday to take me up and when I get there I see Fury with a man with long brown hair and the Avengers all look different. Steve is crying, Natasha looks pissed off, Clint has his hands on his gun, Banner is just looking at him and Thor is sitting in a chair looking at Fury then the man and back to Fury. "Fury who is your friend". I asked. "This is James Barners Stark". Fury looks at me as he says this. " Why is Cap crying and Natasha looks pissed," I ask Fury. " They both know this person and remember what he did to me". says Fury.  "Fury get to the point on why I'm here". says Bucky. " Hydra is looking for Mr. Barners here and his friend and I want him on the team with you guys but only after Hydra mind control is out of him". says Fury. I look at him and see light coming off his left arm which should not be happening and I see Banner looking at it too. "Why is your left arm glowing" asked Banner. Bucky sighs and pulls off his jacket and his mental arm is out. "That's why and only two people know how to fix it". says Bucky. 

Bucky's Pov
I look at the Avengers and try to figure what is everyone's role on the team. " What is your guy's role on the team". I ask. "Cap is leader, Natasha and Clint are agents, Thor is a god, Banner is a scientist and the Hulk and I'm Iron man". says Tony. Fury tells them to tell me who they are trying to find and when I find out it's Spiderman I try and not let the fear show on my face. They are trying to bring him in and find out who he is and his powers. The only people who know who Spiderman is me and Fury but only I know everything about him and how dangerous he can be. Peter could never be brainwashed and nobody knows why. His power are off the charts and never give him a gun or knife. He never misses and can shoot and hit from over a mile away. Peter knows where the main veins in the body are and can hit one just with a small deep cut. Don't get me started on his hand to hand combat.  Peter has killed more people than I have and he is really protective of me and will not let any harm come to me. On one mission we were on the target had a gun to my head trying to get Peter/ Winter Spider to come down so he could kill both of us but he never saw the shot coming. Peter shoots him in the head from  two miles away and when we find each other and we got back to Hydra they tested how far he can shoot the kill shot. Peter can do the kill shot from five miles away because of his enchanted sense. "What do you know so far". I ask. "So far we know he is fast and young from his voice and when we went after him he caught my shield just like you did a year ago". says Steve. I nod my head and say I'm going home for the night but before I do I pull Steve aside and ask if the team knows at I was the Winter Soldier. Steve tells me no and I leave. Prying Peter stays safe and that I need to tell him about me being on the "hunt" for him.

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