Chapter 10

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Comment if Hotdog should be a girl or boy


Previously on The Hidden Spider

Peter's Pov

Leaning down I press a kiss on Carter's forehead.

"Night baby". I say

"Night Mommy". says Carter

I get up and turn off the light, leaving the door creaked I had to my bedroom and change. Getting into bed I pull up my texts with Bucky.

"Carter says that he loves you. Goodnight Bucky, Please be safe and come home to us". I text him

Laying down I fall asleep. 


Peter's Pov

Baby Hotdog is 17 weeks and getting bigger. Hotdog is the size of a turnip, are 8.05 inches and 6.40 ounces.  I'm still four months pregnant and I'm starting to feel pregnant now because of the fact my belly is starting to get bigger. Hotdog's development is that hotdog skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and skin is starting to fully form and starting to make sweat glands. Hotdog's umbilical cord is getting stronger and thicker and that is great because the umbilical cord is Hotdog's lifeline in my womb. 

My symptoms have been dizziness due to all of my cardiovascular changes because of my pregnancy. I have noticed that the skin around my belly has been itchy and to avoid itching I have started using a vanilla lotion on my belly to help with the itchy feeling.  Bucky loves the fact that my bump has popped because it means that he can rub the bump and feel the baby even though the baby is not moving yet. 

Bucky came home after a week away with the Avengers after two weeks away destroying Hydra bases. Over the last month, the Avengers have managed to destroy over 20 bases and it's something I'm grateful for because it means that it's 20 fewer bases to come after us and other people. 

My internship has been going well. Mr. Stark has me working on a new spiderman suit that will hide my growing bump and has added protection around my belly just in case. I had a talk with Bucky about school because I don't really want to keep going to school as I get bigger so I talked to Bucky about moving to online school until after the baby is born. We did have to talk to Nick Fury about it because my school believes that I'm under SHIELD's protection and I'm hoping we can use that to move me to online school. 

Carter is loving preschool and has told me and daddy(Bucky) about all of his friends that he has made. Cater has told us all about his four friends that he hangs out with. Ava is 3 years old and loves the color pink, Brady is 2 and half years old and loves playing with cars, Lucas is the oldest at 3 and half years old and likes playing house, and Aurora is 2 years old and loves playing with baby dolls. I love that Carter has made friends because it was one thing I was worried about because of Hydra. 

Bucky is picking Carter up from school today and I knew Carter will be happy because he loves showing off his daddy to his group of friends and it's really cute to watch especially when it comes to Daddy's job as an Avenger.  Bucky goes along with it since it makes Carter happy. 

Hearing the front door open I get off the couch and see Carter come running up to me. 

"Mommy guess what I did today"? asks Carter as I pick him up

''What did you do today baby"? I ask

"I learned how to count to 15". says Carter

"Wow that's amazing baby". I say

"How's hotdog"? asks Carter

"Hotdog is fine. Right now Hotdog is taking a nap". I say

Carter places a kiss on my belly and I let out a smile. Standing up with Cater on my hip I kiss Bucky before moving into the kitchen and sit Carter on the counter before handing him a little bowl filled with Goldfish which he eats. 

"How was your day babe"? asks Bucky 

"It was good, had a half-day at school then the doctor's appointment where I got to see Hotdog who is healthy and getting bigger". I say 

"I wish I could have been there but Fury had to have a meeting with the Avengers". says Bucky

"It's okay, I know why you couldn't be there this time". I say

I feel a tug on my shirt and look down to see Carter has pulled up my shirt and is resting his ear on my belly.

"What are you doing baby"? I ask

"Trying to hear Hotdog". says Carter 

"What's Hotdog telling you Carter"? asks Bucky 

"That Hotdog loves us". says Carter

"Well, you can tell Hotdog that we love them too". I say

"We love you Hotdog". says Carter

Carter presses a kiss on my belly and I lift him off the counter and put him on the floor. Carter runs off to the small play area that is the living room. 

Bucky and I head over to the couch where we sit down and watch Carter play

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Bucky and I head over to the couch where we sit down and watch Carter play. Around 6, I get up and start dinner which is Mac and cheese for Carter and Orange chicken and rice for Bucky, Hotdog, and me.  After dinner, Bucky takes Carter to bathe him and I pulled out Carter's pj's just as Bucky brings Carter in wrapped in a towel. I get Carter in a pullup and his pj's before Bucky and I put him to bed. Bucky and I climb into bed and Bucky leans over to kiss me. 

We start making out and Bucky moves down to my jaw, and neck where he starts sucking on my pulse point. Bucky's hands slide under my shirt and pull it off. His hands over my body until Bucky's metal hand reaches into my pants and underwear to my clit. Letting out a moan as his fingers rub my clit. I feel a finger move down my wet pussy before it enters me.

"So wet for me and tight". says Bucky

Bucky slips a second finger into me and starts thrusting his fingers before adding the third. I can feel my orgasm coming.

"Faster Buck. I-I'm going to cum" 

Bucky moves his fingers faster until I'm cumming inside my underwear. Bucky removes his fingers and pulls off my pants and underwear before getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom. He comes back with a washcloth and wipes down my pussy before handing me a clean pair of underwear which I put on. Bucky gets back into bed and I cuddle h before falling asleep with Bucky.

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