Chapter 20

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Previously on The Hidden Spider

Buck's Pov

For in the end, love was all that mattered—the love we shared, the love that bound us together, now and forever. And as we drifted off to sleep, hand in hand, hearts beating as one, I knew that our love would light the way, guiding us through whatever challenges lay ahead, as husband and husband, partners in love and in life.


(May 28th)

(37 weeks pregnant)

As I enter into my 37th week of pregnancy, the anticipation and excitement of meeting our daughter, Hotdog, reach a fever pitch. Every day feels like a countdown, each passing moment bringing us closer to the moment when we'll finally hold her in our arms.

At this stage, Hotdog is approximately the size of a winter melon, weighing in at around six and a half pounds and measuring about 19 inches in length from head to heel. Her tiny body is fully formed, and she spends her days practicing her breathing and getting ready for the big day.

Feeling her movements has become a constant presence in my life, a reassuring reminder that she's still with me, growing and thriving in the safety of my womb. Her kicks and punches are stronger than ever, sometimes causing me to catch my breath with their intensity.

But amidst the excitement of Hotdog's impending arrival, there are moments of discomfort and exhaustion that I can't ignore. Pregnancy symptoms have reached their peak in these final weeks, reminding me of the toll that carrying a child takes on the body.

I find myself struggling to get comfortable at night, tossing and turning as I try to find a position that doesn't put too much pressure on my swollen abdomen. Backaches and pelvic pain are a constant companion, making even simple tasks like walking or standing for long periods of time a challenge.

And then there's the fatigue, a bone-deep weariness that seems to settle in my bones, leaving me feeling drained and exhausted no matter how much rest I get. It's as if every ounce of energy has been sapped from my body, leaving me feeling like a shadow of my former self.

But despite the discomfort and exhaustion, there's also a sense of excitement and anticipation that fills me with hope. Hotdog's arrival is just around the corner, and soon I'll hold her in my arms and shower her with love and affection.

As I sit in the nursery, surrounded by baby clothes and toys, I find myself lost in thought, imagining what life will be like with our daughter. I picture her tiny face, her fingers curled around mine, her laughter filling our home with joy.

As I feel a kick against my ribs, a gentle reminder of the life growing within me, I can't help but smile. No matter how challenging these final weeks of pregnancy may be, I know that every moment is worth it for the chance to meet our daughter and welcome her into our family with open arms.

With each passing day, the anticipation builds, the excitement growing stronger with every kick and flutter. And as I count down the days until Hotdog's arrival, I know that our lives are about to change in the most beautiful and profound way imaginable.


As my due date draws closer, I find myself consumed by an overwhelming urge to nest—a primal instinct to prepare our home for the arrival of our daughter, Hotdog. With each passing day, the need to clean and organize becomes more urgent, driving me to transform our living space into a sanctuary fit for our growing family.

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