Chapter 1

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This book is a continuation of Stay With Me. Which you can find on my page under works if you haven't read it yet. If you have, I hope you enjoy this continuation of the last book. Thank you so much for reading.
Bruno's POV

As I looked into those beautiful green eyes of my new born baby girl, I completely lost it. She has the same facial features of her mother. Sense I've brought Isabella home, I don't know anything I'm doing. My sisters have been giving me a hand showing me the ropes of this daddy role but it's tuff. Feeding, burping, and changing diapers isn't the easiest thing.
It was 3 in the morning and I walked out to the balcony. Isabella was sound asleep. I looked up at the sky.


"When you look at my star, just know I'm looking back. I'm watching you and Isabella. Raise our daughter right. I want her to grow up with self respect and I want her to respect you especially." Arianna says with tears down her face, as she was holding Isabella in her arms.

"I promise." I assure her.

"And Bruno," Arianna said, "make sure she knows who her mother is. I love you so much Isabella."

Arianna kissed her forehead.

*End of Flashback*

A tear rolled down my cheek. Quickly I wiped it and shoved my hand in my pocket. I pulled out a unwrapped cigarette pack and looked at it. Don't do it Bruno. Echoed in my head. I just wanted to forget about everything. I grabbed the pack and threw it off the balcony. Running both hands through my hair, I walked back inside and laid in bed. It was no longer the same without Arianna. A piece of my heart was missing. I turn to look at the baby monitor and see the reason why I continue to do what I want to do.

"It's all for you Bella." I whispered, looking at the monitor.

*Few Months Later*

Life has changed alot. I've stopped recording, and going to interviews. My whole life changed. I'm more of a full time father and I love it. Isabella is my world. I love waking up to her every day and seeing her beautiful face. She's 5 months meaning it's been 5 months sense Arianna has died.

Every night I think of her. I miss her every single day of my life. Sometimes I feel like I can't raise Isabella on my own. She needs her mother.

I woke up early this morning and did my regular daddy duties. I changed her diaper and carried her downstairs.

"Okay Isabella. Time to feed you some peas." I say.

I scoop up a little amount of the smashed peas, and feed them to Bella. She spits them out

"Wow!" I yelled.

My whole face was covered in peas. She began to giggle.

"Bella." I wiped my face. "Honey, you swallow the peas."

She tilted her head to the side, and looked at me funny. I began to laugh.

"Open your mouth sweetie. Here comes the train. Choo Choo."

Isabella began to whine.

"You don't like the train. Okay okay. How about the plane? Errrrrr vooooom!" I shoved the spoon in her mouth.

This time it stayed in her mouth longer.

"Good girl." I kissed her forehead.

The door bell ringed. I stood up and left the bowl of mushed peas on Bellas highchair. Placing the spoon on the table, I quickly ran over to the door and answered it.

"Hey sis!" I say to Tiara.

"Hey brotha!" Tiara said, as she steps inside. "Where is my niece ?"

"She's in the kitchen. I'm feeding her."

We walked into the kitchen and my jaw dropped. Isabella's bowl of peas was over her head. The peas were dripping down her forehead. She giggled when she saw us watching her. Tiara gasped.

"Bruno, didn't I tell you never leave a bowl of food on her high chair?" Tiara tells me.

"I didn't think she was going to do this."

"Come here Bells, let's clean you up." Tiara says.

Tiara cleaned her up, and changed her into a clean pamper.

"Look," Tiara says, as she places Isabella's feet in her black heels. "She's walking in her Auntie Tiara's shoes."

"She would end up being a wild woman like you." I joked.

"I doubt you would allow that." She says.

"Hell no I wouldn't."

We laughed.

"How have you been doing with all of this? You know. With out Arianna." Tiara asked.

I looked at my hand and moved around the wedding ring.

"Trying to hang in there. It's not easy without her. I hate waking up every morning and not having her by my side. Stupid cancer had to just take her from me." I looked down, avoiding eye contact with her.

"Look B. I know it's hard. We all miss her, but you will be just fine. You have a beautiful daughter now and you need to remain strong for her. You will find someone else-"

"No I won't. I don't even wanna think about me falling in love with someone else. Arianna is the only one for me. I doubt anyone else is." I say.

"You never know-"

"I told her my vows. Until death do us part. I'm not dead yet. So I'm sticking to my vows." I tell Tiara.

She picked up Isabella from the changing table, and kissed her cheek.
Tiara left once it was 10:22pm. I took Isabella upstairs to her room and began to feed her, her warm milk on the rocking car. She slowly closed her gorgeous eyes, and fell asleep.

I laid her in her crib, and spinned her music mobile on. I walked out of her room, closing the door quietly behind me.

As I walked into my room, I walked out to the large balcony and leaned up against it. I looked at the glowing stars that shined up the dark sky. Letting out a sigh, I felt a breeze of cold air go around my body.

"How could I fall in love with some else?" I asked myself. "That's impossible."

I blew a kiss to the star, and walked back inside. As I got under the warm sheets, I missed feeling the presence of my wife.

I kept thinking about what Tiara said about me finding someone else. What if I do? Would that be disrespectful to Arianna? I can't fall in love with anyone else. It's always been Arianna. It always will be.

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