Chapter 10

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Bruno's POV

"Dad?" I say.

"Can we please talk?" He asked.

I looked down at my watch.

"Sure. Let's make this quick." I walked out the building, as he followed behind me.

He stood infront of me, just waiting for me to speak.

"So? What do you want to say?" I asked.

"I'm sorry about Arianna. She seemed like a great person." My dad says.

"It's been 3 years already. Are you really sorry or just looking for something to talk about with me?"

"Bruno, I'm truly sorry. I can tell you loved her. I've never seen you so happy." He said.

"You don't even know what makes me happy or sad." I say.

"But I know for a fact that she made you happy. Yes or no?" He points out.

"You don't-"

"Yes or no?"

I looked at him, and then looked away.

"Ofcourse she made me happy. She was my everything." I said.

"I saw the interview you did on Ellen with Isabella. You're a great father. A completely better one then what I was. That's why I want to start all over again. Before it's to late. I know what I did was wrong. I should have been there for you and your siblings." He explained.

"After 18 years you finally want to come back? Do you know what it's like being a 13 year old boy, wondering why your Dad just left you? Thinking your whole life it was your fault?" I explained.

"None of this was your fault. None of it at all. That was a decision I made myself, and what a terrible one that was. You all mean the world to me. I hate that I finally decided to show you all that now." He said. "Please son. Give me one more chance."

I looked away and thought for a while. Maybe this was a good thing. Maybe our family can finally be as one.

"I don't know." I say.

"I will make it up to you and Eric, and the girls." He tells me.

"That's something you will have to speak to Eric and the girls about." I tell him.

"But what about you?" He asked.

I stayed looking into his guilty eyes.

"Fine." I tell him.

He grabbed me and hugged me. For some reason it felt nice to have my father back into my life again.

"Maybe we can all get together. I can have all my sons and daughters together." My dad explained.

"We don't want to know anything from the other family. We aren't interested." I tell him.

"I'm talking about just you guys." He said.

"Maybe. I have to go. See you later." I say.

"Take care son."

As I drove home, for some reason it was just weird hearing him call me son. I wasn't use to it.

I sat on the sofa, bored out of my mind. Without Isabella here, the house is to quiet. I grabbed my guitar, and began to strum it. I was liking the jiggle I was coming up with.

Quickly I stood up, grabbed my notepad and a pen, and wrote down the beat.

*Cellphone Ringing*

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