Chapter 13

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Bruno's POV

Once Isabella left to school, I shortly left after to get to the meeting on time. Once Isabella was old enough to understand what my job consists of, I got back on the old grind.

I got to the place right on time. My interview was going to be with Melissa Manchester.

"We are back on in 3...2...1."

"We are back with who I think is one of the best singers alive. Bruno Mars." Melissa said.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"How's life going? How have you been?" She asked.

"I'm doing good. I've been mostly hanging out with my daughter." I explained.

"Oh really? Does she like hanging out with you?"

"It seems like she does. I'm shocked she hasn't just ditched me." I say.

"Isabella is now how old?"

"She will be 18 in a few months now." I answered.

"She's a very beautiful girl."

"Thank you. Isabella looks alot like her mother. She's really a beautiful young lady."

Isabella's POV

Dylan and I got back in my car, and drove off to my house. That woman was nonstop on my mind.

"Isabella!" Dylan yelled.

"Sorry, what?" I asked.

"Did you hear anything I said?" He asked.

"No." I quietly answered.

"What's the matter? Sense you bumped into that woman back there, you've been acting weird." He said.

"I don't know. Seeing her was strange. She seemed like familiar." I answered.

"Well you did say she looked like your mom." Dylan says.

"No not because of that. It's just she seems familiar. Like I've met her before." I explained.

"Maybe you have and you just don't remember." He said.


I pulled up into our drive way, and opened the huge black gates. They closed behind me as I drove up the long driveway.

"My Dad isn't home yet." I noticed.

I got off the car and walked to the front door.

"What time is Crystal and Kimberly coming?" Dylan asked.

"I'm not sure. I will text them later. Right now we need to start that poster for Chemistry." I answered.

"Can we take a break first?" He whined as he slouched on the stool.

"You're extremely lazy." I laughed.

I grabbed two water bottles from the fridge. I throw one at him.

"Come on."
I played some music in my room, as we were working on our chemistry project.

"We have to teach this to the class you know?" I mentioned.

Slowly Dylan slouched off the bed, sliding down.

"Why does she hate us so much?" Dylan asked.

"Who knows. Maybe she hasn't gotten any in a while." I joked.

We both began to laugh. We sat on the floor with our backs against my bed. Dylan looked at me, and smiled. We stayed just looking into each other's eyes. He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, and slowly leaned in to me. I stayed just looking at his lips. Placing my hand on his smooth cheek, I leaned in and kissed him. He grabbed me and picked me up, placing me on my bed. Dylan go ontop of me in the push up postion, and kissed my lips passtionately. His lips went down my jaw line and onto my neck. Heat waves went along my back.

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