Chapter 24

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Time is going to go by really fast in these chapters. Hope you don't mind.

Dylan's POV

"Dylan, hurry!" Isabella yells at me.

"I'm going!" I shouted back to her from upstairs.

I grabbed her hospital bag, and ran downstairs. Not that long ago, Isabella's water broke.

"Oh my god Dylan, oh my god. What if the babies come out with two heads. Or what if they come out with no eyes or noses." She was saying.

"Their fine." I told her, as we drove to the hospital. "Breathe with me. Come on." I tell her.

We had practice breathing a few times. Once we got to the hospital, we entered through the emergency area. Quickly they set up a room for Bella and got her on IV.

"Where's my dad?" Isabella asked, in pain.

"He should be here any minute now." I held her hand.

"Dylan I'm in so much pain."

A tear rolled down her cheek.

"What can I do to help?" I asked.

"I don't know."

I wiped away her tear with my thumb.

"You're a beautiful strong woman. You can get through this. I know you can. I love you."

She smiles.

"Thank you babe."

I kissed her lips, than the door opened. In walked Bruno. His eyes looked slightly swollen. I'm guessing his results weren't good.

"How are you feeling princess? I came as fast as I could." Bruno grabbed Isabella's other hand.

"I'm in alot of pain." Isabella tells him.

"This will all go away soon. Just relax. Breathe in and out." He moved her hair out of her face.

"I'm trying."

There was a knock on the door, and in walked Doctor Melissa.

"I'm going to check how dilated you are."

The doctor checked and then, threw her gloves away.

"It seems that you're not dilating as quick as we would like you to. If in the next hour you don't dilate, we will have to do an emergency csection." She instructs.

"Is there anything we can give her to help speed up the process?" I asked.

"Yes. I will inject some oxytocin into her IV. That should help speed things up. If it happens not to help, we will have to do the cesarean to avoid any infections from happening sense her water has already broke for baby A." Doctor Melissa explains.

"Okay thank you." I said.

A few moments later, she injected the medicine into Isabella's IV. In a few minutes she began to feel the pain coming in. The contractions were hitting her harder than ever.

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