Chapter 20

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It's 3:35 am where I live and I can't stand knowing some of you guys can't read it. So here it is again! Hopefully this time you can. Enjoy:)

Bruno's POV

I laid back in the house with Tiara going over with her stuff for the wedding. We've been helping Isabella and Dylan with things here and there.

"I love how she's doing such soft colors. Baby pink goes perfectly with our skin tones." Tiara says.

"She didn't do that color for you, did she?" I asked Tiara.

"No. She chose the color herself." Tiara says.

"Sure she did." I laughed.

*Cellphone Ringing*

I grabbed my cellphone, and answered the call.

"Hello." I say.

"Hello, is this Isabella's father?" A man on the other end of the phone asked.

"Yes, who am I speaking to?" I asked concern.

"This is officer Adams. Your daughter and fiancé have been in a terrible accident." The officer said.

At that moment, everything stopped. My heart sped up, and my forehead began to get drenched in sweat.

"Wait. How? When?" I asked.

"By the looks of it it's been over 15 minutes. Their being taken to Los Angeles hospital right now-"

I hung up on him, and quickly ran upstairs to grab my stuff

"Bruno, what's wrong?" Tiara yelled.

I ignored her as I bust through my bedroom door. I looked around with a shaky breath. Running over to my shoes, I quickly put them on.

"Bruno." Tiara says worriedly. "Bruno, talk to me."

"Isabella's been in a car accident okay!" I yelled, at the varge of breaking down into tears.

I covered my face and let it all out. I cried like a baby.

You have a child thinking nothing in the world can hurt them. That everything is going to be perfectly fine and they are going to be everything you always hoped to be. But it doesn't really work that way, does it?

I was like a zombie. Everything changed in a instant. The pain I felt inside would never come close to any pain I have ever felt before.

I sat in the car as Tiara was driving quickly to the hospital. She sped quickly, ignoring the sped limit signs.

We bust through the hospital doors, running to the front desk.

"I'm here to see Isabella Hernandez. She just came about a few minutes ago." I say quickly.

"Floor 3." The receptionist says.

"Thank you." We ran to the elevator, and pressed on the button.

We made it up to floor three, and quickly looked around. Our eyes were red and puffy from the tears we shed. I looked to my right and see a receptionist at her desk.

I had the feeling that someone was next to me. Not just Tiara but someone else following close behind me.

The doctor and the receptionist were giving me no information. I walked to her room, and swinged open the door. I opened it as immediately wanted to yell my lungs out. She was hooked onto monitors. She looked exactly like when her mother was in one.

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