Chapter 11

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Bruno's POV

We all waited in the waiting room anxiously. All of us were in there.

"We're looking for our father Peter Hernandez. He was in a bad accident." We hear a voice outside the door say.

We all looked at each other. His other family is here. The door opened and the people in the picture, were standing infront of us.

"Hi." The girl said.

"So you guys are the other ones?" One of the boys say.

"Excuse me?! The other ones?! You mean the ones before you which your whor-" Tiara tried to say.

"Hey hey hey!" I yelled.

Everyone got completely silent.

"You sit back down and keep your mouth shut." Eric told her.

"But-" Manages to slip out of her mouth.

"But nothing." I say. "We are all here for the same reason. Now shut up all of you, and take a seat."

Everyone sat down. The other four took their sit away from us. It was quite strange being in the same room as them.

"For Peter Hernandez." The nurse says.

Everyone stood up right away.

"We are his children." I said.

"All of you." Her eyes widen as she sees all 10 of us stand.

"Yes." I respond.

"Your father was in a terrible car accident. He was hit by incoming traffic. His ribs are cracked, and he has a broken leg and arm. Your father received a violent blow to the head which resulted to a traumatic brain injury. He's being carefully watched. We are doing the best we can do at the moment." The doctor explained.

"Thank you doctor." I said.

"He is awake now. He requested for his kids to come see him. Let me see my list, I wrote down." She looked through her clip board. "Ahh here it is. Bruno, Eric, Presley, Jamie, Tahiti, and Tiara."

"Only them?" My Dad's other son asked.

"Yes." She responds.

We quickly walked out the room, and made our ways to go see our father.

We walked into the room, and my dad had a black eye and a scratched up face. He looked terrible. There was a breathing mask helping him out

"Dad." I said

He turned and looked, and smiled once he saw all of us.

"You all made it." He said.

"Ofcourse." Tiara says.

"I'm sorry you all have to see me like this." Our dad tells us.

"Are you in pain?" Presley asked.

"Just a little." He responds.

"How did this happen?" Tahiti asked.

"I was going home after I left Bruno's home, when someone in a red car crashed right into me. The person in the other car left on foot." He explained.

"They didn't find him or her?" Jamie asked.


There was a knock on the door, then the nurse came in.

"He's going to be just fine. You will be out of here sooner or later." The nurse explained.

"Has the police came and did the report?" I asked.

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