Chapter 25

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Please listen to the song above while you read this chapter.

Isabella's POV

"Daddy, please don't leave me." My eyes filled with tears. "I need you! I need you to stay with me!" I yelled, crying into his chest.

His heart beat was beating on the machine. News reporters outside huddled at the door, waited to get any bit of information to give out to the public. He hasn't awaken sense I last saw him yesterday afternoon.

"I stayed. I need you to do the same for me." I told him.

The doors opened from the room, and in walked Dylan. He had dropped off Little Dylan, Daniela, and Andrew at his mother's house. As soon as he saw me, he walked over to him. I cried onto his chest.

"Shhh. It's okay. Relax." He pushed my hair out of my face.

"D-Dyl I can't l-lose my d-ad too." I say.

Dylan kissed the top of my forehead.

"Let's just stand out in the waiting room, and calm you down. You need to relax."

I cried on his chest. The cancer was just killing him slowly. I just want to hear his voice.

A few hours later

I didn't move. I stayed there just waiting for him to wake up.

"Isabella you need to come eat." Dylan said.

I stayed paralyzed on the chair watching my dad.

"Bells." Dylan calls me.

"I'm not leaving." I whispered.

"You need to eat." He said.

"I will eat when I'm hungry." I told him.

Dylan walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

"I will be right back." He whispers.

His lips gently touched mine. Than he walked out the room. I looked at my father, than scooted my seat closer to him. Grabbing his hand, I ran my fingers against his knuckles. My tears fell on his hand. I sat there just watching him. His face was pail.

Letting out a deep breath, I cleaned off my tears that were running down my cheeks. Loud chanting was heard from the window. I stood up and moved aside the curtains. As I looked down, I noticed many people stood out there holding up posters, candles, and singing my dad's song. Then they began to play his music. I smiled with my eyes close as tears streamed down my cheeks. I was hearing his voice again.

I walked back over to his body and placed my head on his chest. His heart beat was faint. My hand held his tightly.

"As much as I want you here with me, I can't leave you here to suffer. You can let go if you need to daddy." I looked at him. "Everything will be okay." I whispered softly. "I love you. My kids love you. Everyone loves you dad."

All the tears erupted at once.

"You're my bestfriend. My super hero. I love you." I kissed his cheek.

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