Fateful encounter, Neglect, Shopping

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Wrong BWL, Harry is four years old when Voldie strikes

I do not own Harry Potter nor any of its characters. J.K. Rowling does

Ships in this fict: Harry/Fleur, Roger/Elena Turpin, Cedric/Cho, and OC/OC

Lord Voldemort was going to enjoy the best day of his everlasting life, his pathetic spy, Peter Pettigrew had revealed to him the location of the Potters. Trust, The Dark Lord smirked as he neared the cottage, which was no longer under the Fidelius curse, trust would only condone betrayal and treachery.

In his entire fifty years, Voldemort never trusted anyone, not even Bellatrix LeStrange, his most loyal; his order was ruled by fear, aggression and manipulation. With a swish of his wand, the door was blast opened. What fools were the Potters, trusting the mudblood and muggle loving Albus Dumbledork and leaving their offspring alone in a house guarded by only a weak Fidelius.

The dark lord slowly ascended the stairs, his malicious grin grew wider when he saw the crib, with an infant in it. However he was shocked when he saw a four year old boy walk out from behind the crib who promptly stood between the dark lord and his target. "So, what took you so long?" Harry Potter said in a calm voice.

Voldemort surveyed the young child before him, he could hardly believe it, the boy's magic core was significantly more powerful than any he had encountered before, possibly even more powerful than himself when he was the boy's age.

"What do you mean Potter?" The dark lord asked.

"I am a precog, I still don't know how to control it, but I dreamt that our encounter would happen." Harry said without a care in the world.

"You are a seer then? A pity….you would be a great asset to my dark empire, AVADA KEDAVRA!" The dark lord shouted, a mixture of regret and malicious glee in his blood red eyes.

Harry just smiled as the green jet of light neared him, he simply stood his ground and accepted the on coming green light. His mind went black when he felt the killing curse crash upon him. Voldemort smirked when he saw his killing curse hit the black haired youth, but then the unimaginable happened, he did not feel the brat's soul departing to the void, no it did not leave his body and the killing curse was coming his way and before he knew what was happening, his soul was brutally ripped from his body.

Luckily, with all his instruments of immortality, his Horcruxes, the Dark Lord knew that he would be back real soon as his spirit fled the half destroyed room. Minutes after the Dark Lord's departure, three pops could be heard. Lily Potter was a mess, her eyes filled with tears as she sprinted up to the half destroyed room.

Inside, she found her eldest son laying on the floor while her youngest was crying in the crib. Lily quickly went over to Harry and was relieved when she found a pulse. James Potter entered the damaged nursery and sighed when Lily nodded to him that Harry was unscathed.

Both Potters saw a large gash on the forehead of their youngest child, Eric Potter,

James frantically shouted, "Albus, what is this?"

The manipulative old bastard broke into a 'joyous' smile, "My boy, the prophecy has been fulfilled."

He took the baby from James Potter and said, "I give you, Eric Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived."

Both Potters paled at this, "What does this all mean?" James whispered.

"Young Eric will need training, Voldemort will surely return one day and young Eric would be the only one who can destroy him."Dumbledore said gravely.

"What about Harry?" Lily said frantically, clutching her eldest to her chest tightly.

Dumbledore surveyed the said boy, he scanned the unconscious youth's magical core and his eyes widened in shock, "A boy with a potential to be as powerful as Merlin? He must be closely watched." He thought to himself. "Young Harry will need protection as well." Dumbledore said as he left the Potters alone to alert the authorities that Eric Potter was the chosen one.

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