Chapter 1 Before

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Boe was a simple little girl. She ran around and played with her friends, yet she still felt different. Her moms loved her, just the way any parent would. They took her to dance with the other girls as well as baseball with the boys. Though she was a simple girl, her thoughts were quite complex.
"So, what should we do?" Alexia asked.
"Lets race!" Andrew cheered.
"Guys, why don't we play house?" Peyton suggested.
"Okay. Boe and I'll be the moms and Peyton, Max, and Andrew can be the children." Alexia offered.
"That isn't fair. Andrew and I should be the dads; we don't need moms. You girls should be the children." Max whined.
"Why don't we have Andrew be the dad and me or Peyton be the mom?" Boe asked curiously.
"What? Boe, that is disgusting! Are you pro-hetero?" Alexia asked shocked.
"What? No. I just though that if we couldn't decide that might be something we could try..." Boe commented nearly whispering toward the end.
"Ew! Boe is Pro-Hetero! What would your mothers think? Come on guys, lets get out of here." Alexia demanded.
As all the children walked away, Boe felt the tears begin to well up in her eyes. She leaned her head down into her hand and soon after felt a pat on the shoulder.
"Don't worry about them. They are closed-minded, and that is worse than any pro-hetero. See ya around." Peyton assured her before running across the yard and into her own house.
Boe brushed her tears away and look at her reflection in the front door. She was fine. She was okay. At least, she hoped she was.
Throughout dinner whilst her moms spoke about work and other activities, Boe's mind drifted away and thought about why being pro-hetero was so wrong. Shakespeare was hetero and he wrote all those amazing plays. Then again, nobody knew until long after he was already dead. She thought about the way things were before a stable government; Heteros were burned alive and considered devil worshipers or something along those lines. As she was so deep in thought, he mothers began to ask her what she did that day.
"What? Sorry, I was thinking." Boe apologized.
"Well, you'll be eight in a few weeks and we thought we'd take you out of homeschooling and let you go to the public school that Peyton goes to. Your mom thinks you need to learn how to make friends and this will help. What do you think?" Jessie asked.
"Jessie, you are being too forward. I think Boe should see the school before she just goes. Right honey?" Molly interjected.
"No. Mom, I want to go to school with Peyton." Boe grinned, trying to hide her excitement.
"Good. We'll register you tomorrow and you'll start the day after." Jessie agreed.
For the rest of dinner Boe held in her excitement. After being sent to bed, she picked up her flashlight and shot three bursts of light over toward Peyton's window. Within half a minute, Peyton answered back with seven bursts. Finally, they let out twenty-one bursts of light in unison before writing "Hello" on both of their notepads. For another hour or so, Boe told Peyton about going to school and her thoughts on Heterosexuality. Peyton told about how great school was and that she secretly believed that heterosexuality was the right way or at least an option. As both girls's eyelids grew heavy, they said silent goodnights and laid awake for just awhile longer, thinking about what tomorrow had in store.

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