Chapter 4 There Are Some Things That We Just Can't Explain

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Kadsey's breathing becomes shallow as he stares at Boe from across the hall. She has her hair tucked away in a ponytail, yet her growing bangs swing across her face. He keeps a single rose hidden behind his back as she stops talking to Peyton and begins to walk toward him.
"Hi Kadsey!" Boe cheered.
"What's wrong?"
"Kadsey, I may have just met you a few weeks ago, but you are pretty easy to read. What's up?"
"Nothing. I'm just a little worried."
"About Homecoming?"
"Yeah. I don't have anyone to go with. You?"
"I was thinking about staying in and watching a movie."
"Well," Kadsey exaggerates as he pulls the rose from behind his back, "Why stay in, when we can go together?"
"I'd love to!" Boe cheered before realizing, "but a boy and a girl can't go as a couple. It's against the rules."
"We won't go as a couple. We'll go as friends. And if anything, you can take Peyton, and I can take Andrew, and we can meet up when we get there." Kadsey suggests.
"That sounds great!" Boe whispered.
"Why are you whispering?" Kadsey asks, holding in laughter at their little game.
"Why are you whispering?" Boe tries to whisper, but ends up bursting out in laughter before the end.
"Okay. So, homecoming is this weekend. Andrew and I'll will pick you and Peyton up at 6:00 to have dinner, and we'll get there when the dance is in full swing; no one will notice us!" Kadsey smiled.
"Okay. See you then." Boe whispered, trying to hold in the laughter while she and Peyton walked to class.
Kadsey cleared his throat and thought to himself, "Wow. That was exhilarating." before making his way to his own class.
The next few days passed quickly and before they knew it, it was Friday, and Kadsey was sitting in the front row taking pictures of Boe's homecoming volleyball game. They won by six points; courtesy of Boe and Peyton who had the best serves and teamwork. That night, before Jessie took Boe home, she saw her give Kadsey a long hug. On the way home, Jessie confronted her about it.
"So, who was that boy? I've never seen him before. Is he Andrew's friend?"
"Umm, yeah."
"Who is he then?"
"Umm, Kadsey Jericho. He's new this year."
"That's cool. He gave you quite the long hug. I guess it was granted saying as you guys did so well."
"I won't be mad."
"About what?"
"If you, you know, want to drive off the beaten path."
"Yeah. Boe, I love you, but I can't make Molly accept some things. So, if you do, umm, swing the other way, tell me before Molly."
"Okay, mom."
"So, Molly says you are taking Peyton to homecoming.That'll be fun right."
"What's wrong? You seem really quiet."
"Just thinking."
"No one."
"You mean Noah?"
"I know about her and Jack. Personally, I'm happy for them, but don't tell Molly."
"Why don't you want me to tell Mom all this?"
"Boe, you have to understand something; I love Molly, but we grew up under different roofs. I experienced first hand how cruel people are to those who are 'different'."
"Aunt Izzalee?"
"Yep. I still feel like Dads overreacted."
"How is she?"
"I talked to grandpa Walker and he said that she'll be cured in a few weeks."
"Why do they take it like that?"
"Like what?" Jessie asked
"Like Heterosexuality is not just a sin, but a disease."
"I don't know, Boe."
"We just passed the house."
"Sorry. Umm, Boe, when we get home, can you just go to Peyton's?"
"Thanks." Jessie replies with tears in her eyes.
"Bye mom."
"I love you, Boe."
"I love you too, mom." whispered Boe as she got out of the truck and walked across the yard to Peyton's house.
Boe knocked on the door and just before she entered, she saw Jessie stand in front of the door, wiping tears from her face.
"Hey, Boe!" Peyton cheered
"Hi." Boe mumbled
"What's wrong?"
"I'll tell you later."
"Okay, well, I'll grab us some dinner and you go in up to my room."
"Yeah." Boe mumbled as she walked up the stairs.
Peyton came upstair and Boe was sitting on the windowsill with tears welling up in her eyes.
"What's wrong?"
Boe didn't say a word, she just pointed at her moms' bedroom window. There Peyton saw a silhouette of Jessie and Molly fighting; she could hear the words from her room.
"I've never seen them fight before." Boe cried, tears streaming down her face.
"It'll be okay. I promise."
Boe didn't go home that night. She slept beside Peyton and dreamed about Kadsey and what tomorrow had would bring.

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