Chapter 13 December Baby

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"Boe!" Shouted Kadsey as Boe slipped and the fell from consciousness.
The world turned black and Boe woke in a hospital bed with Jessie sleeping on a chair and her head rested on Boe's lap and Molly laying with Em haphazardly on a fold out couch with Peyton. Kadsey was no where to be found. Boe felt tears stream down here face; what had she been dreaming?
"Baby?" Jessie asked staring up at Boe.
"Mom?" Boe asks, still crying.
Jessie doesn't ask anymore questions, she wraps Boe in her arms and seems to start to rock her. Boe stops crying, seeing no reason to be crying anyways, and asks,
"Do you want me to tell Molly that I'm up?"
"No. Not right now. Just let me hold you." Jessie replies, holding Boe closer.
"What happened?"
"You don't remember?"
"No. What happ--" Boe started before falling out of consciousness.

"Are you sure?" Kadsey asked Boe.
"Of course. Jessie will keep Molly at bay."
"Why do we have to go back?"
"Because they are my moms. They wanted to throw me a shower."
"You mean Jessie wanted to throw you a shower."
"Close enough."
"But we were just there four days ago." Kadsey whined.
"So? That was Christmas. That is kinda an obligation with my family; we all get together at christmas."
"I didn't like your grandfathers."
"Jessie's dads? Why not?"
"They were glaring at me like I stole something and they kept kissing each other and then looking over at me disapprovingly."
"What about Izzalee?"
"Now she was awesome."
"I know. I still can't understand why Jessie's dads put her in a mental hospital."
"They are hetro-phobic. It's how they were raised. You can't really blame them, I guess."
"So, what about grandma?"
"She was freaky."
"She was, like, smiling at me the whole time. It was creepy."
"She isn't all there." Boe reminded.
"I know, but still."
"What about Molly's sisters and Jessie's brothers?"
"The only one I liked was Izzalee."
"What was wrong with Todd?"
"I tried to play with Esme and he grabbed her from me like I was a criminal."
"Alright. Izzalee it is."
"For what?"
"A godmother of course. Well, also, I was meaning to ask you, what do you think of Noah?"
"The teacher?"
"She is cool. Why?"
"She and Jack are option number two."
"What about Molly and Jessie? And what about my side of the family?" Kadsey inquired.
"Molly won't do it, so Jessie can't unless she leaves Molly. And I'm sorry, who in your family do you want to be a godmother/godfather?"
"No one. I just wanted to see you freak out."
"You are such a tease." Boe giggled, looking into his eyes. Even as they were driving only a few days after christmas on an icy street, he seemed so sure of himself. She smiled down at her stomach and felt the baby kick a few times. She like these moments; it made her happy that she had decided to keep the baby.
"So, have we decided on a name yet?"
"Well, I think for a girl it would be Alyssa, and for a boy a Devon." Kadsey remarked.
"I don't like Alyssa. I think if it is a girl, she should be named Julianna, but we'll call her Julie for short. And for a boy, I like the name Logan."
"Well, we still have time to decide."
"Of course." Boe agreed. She then felt a sharp pain in her head. She flew from her body and then slammed back into it. He mouth became dry and her heart pounded, but she felt no pain elsewhere, she she kept calm; the baby was fine.
They arrived at Jessie and Molly's nearly an hour early to help set up. In the front yard, Molly was in the snow with Em making a snowman.
"Hey Mom." Boe called, but as always she was met by and icy stare as Molly picked Em up and took her inside.
"Hey Boe." Jessie called as she let Molly in.
"Hey mom."
"Come in. Come in. You too, Kadsey."
"One second Mrs. Wilson; I have to get the presents." Kadsey mentioned.
Boe smiled at the fact that Kadsey was successful in hiding presents from her.
They sat down in the living room, yet Molly stowed herself and Em away. They started a conversation about names, methods of birth, and just some good motherly advice. Boe would never admit it, but she was scared; she loved Jessie, but she really wanted to talk to Molly, because she was the one who carried two girls and they've lived perfectly fine lives. Her headaches had been worsening, but she paid them no mind and tried to focus on Jessie. Soon, her mouth become much too dry and she got up to grab a glass of water. She went to the kitchen where out the window she saw Molly playing with Em. She filled a small glass cup with water from the tap and began to remember each winter Molly would play in the snow with her. She turned and heard the glass shatter. "I'm falling.." Boe thought as she fell toward the ground; staring blissfully at the beams of sunlight falling along with her.
"Boe!" Kadsey screamed as she felt her back crash against the tile. The world spun around and drifted away with the dust as Kadsey rushed to her aid..."

"Jessie?" Boe asked as she woke.
"Yes?" Molly answered from the couch.
"Where is Jessie?"
"She went to get Em something to eat."
"What about Peyton?"
"Andy came and got her when you went out again."
"He hasn't been here since you had the baby."
"Have you seen it?"
"Can you go get it?"
"Why not?"
"We both know the answer to that." Molly reminded as she left the room.
Boe sat alone for awhile until Jessie came back alone.
"Yes?" Jessie replied.
"Where did Molly go?"
"She went home with Em."
"Okay. Where is Kadsey?"
"One sec," Jessie answered before calling to Kadsey.
Kadsey walked in with a little pink bundle held in his arms. He walked over, tilted the baby so she could she its face and introduced them,
"Boe, meet out daughter; Jewelyssa."
"She is beautiful."
"You like her?"
Boe didn't answer; she was too mesmerized by her little girl. Her rosy cheeks, iridescent blue eyes, warm skin, and a little bit of a smile made Boe stop all logical thinking and feel the deepest love toward her.
"What day is it?" Boe asked
"It is December 30th. Jewelyssa was born on December 29th." Kadsey informed proudly.
"How do you spell that?" Boe asked.
"J-E-W-E-L-Y-S-S-A" Kadsey answered.
"Amazing! What is her full name?"
"Jewelyssa Molly Wilson-Jericho."
"She loves you, you know."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because she tried to beat the shit out of me for being an idiot and not knowing what to do when you fell. It was her rationality that help keep us calm and saved your life."
"Yes. Here, take Jewelyssa." Kadsey added, handing her off to Boe before leaving the room.
Boe held her close and whispered,

You'll never guess the trouble we are in for...

A/N: Sorry for such a confusing chapter. I am so sad that this is almost over! 😭 but even good things must come to an end. I hope you keep reading, writing, and just plain doing what you love.

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