Chapter 3 Years Later

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"Bye Boe. See you tonight." Shouted Jessie as Molly instructed her to from the couch. Molly was pregnant and though Boe was already 14, they decided that she needed a sibling.
"See ya mom." Boe shouted back as Peyton dashed out of her house; hair flying in the wind. Boe smiled, knowing secretly that her best friend had done something unheard of; she joined the football team. Though it was only for boys, they allowed Peyton to join the team, but she never told her parents. Ms. Noah planned to get married in Washington State, where Heterosexual marriages where allowed and then she planned to come back and start teaching again. Jessie and Molly didn't know this, but Boe and Noah had become closer and closer with each passing year. She had broken up with her soon to be husband, Jack, many times in previous years, but somehow they alway found a way to come back together even stronger than before; they have been going steady for nearly three years now.
Once they got to school, Boe went to Ms. Noah's room and saw her crying.
"Noah? What's wrong?" Boe pleaded
"Nothing, In fact, more is right than it is wrong." Noah smiled.
"Well, why are you crying?" Boe asked curiously
"Well, Jack and I have decided to have a baby, and I'm scared, but also, I'm excited. I just don't want this to ruin our relationship. I love Jack, but a baby? That seemed so far away just a year ago. I just..." Noah then began to rant and mumble while Boe pretended that she caught everything, and managed to piece together a solution just the same,
"Go for it."
Really? You think I should?" Noah asked
"Of course! Noah, you have every right to be happy, and sometimes to get to happiness you must face that terrible gut-twisting fear of the unknown that, when realized, isn't really that bad. I say, go for it." Boe answered
Noah smiled, "Boe, I remember telling you that you were gonna do great things. I now realize that I was very right. Now go on; get to class."
"Okay. See you during sixth hour." Boe replied
"See you then." Noah called as Boe walked out.
Boe walked down to her locker and the one next to her was open. She was puzzled, saying as the one next to her was always empty, so she closed it. It got halfway shut before abruptly stopping and letting out a "ouch". Boe jumped and a surprisingly good looking guy peeked out from behind the locker door.
"That hurt you know." He whispered
"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there." She whispered back
"It's okay, I was just getting my books." He whispered
"Why are you whispering?" She asked, still whispering herself.
"Well, why are you whispering?" He asked
They both stared at each other for a second and then began to burst into a fit of laughter. Once all the laughter has been drained, he introduced himself.
"Hi; I'm Kadsey. I'm starting my freshman year here." He introduced.
"Kadsey. That is a really nice nice; unique." Boe commented.
"Well, you know my name, may I know yours?" He asked
"Of course, sorry. My name is Boe." She introduced.
"Boe? Pretty, Smart, Kind, and Unique; It fits you perfectly. Well, I have to go to Biology. You?" He asked
"I have Advanced Chemistry. Sorry." She apologized.
"Don't worry about it. I'll see you around." Kadsey smiled before walking away, toward the Biology room.
Boe smiled at her new friend as he walked away. He turned back at her and smiled before he entered the room. She felt something rise in the pit of her stomach; a feeling a bliss, along with utter terror, like being on a roller coaster. Unlike a roller coaster though, she didn't want that moment to cease.

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