Chapter 7 This Kind of Morning

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Boe woke to a pain in her stomach and a pulsing in her head. The light that encircled the room caused her to wince at its brightness. She looked around and saw not the familiar room of hers or Peyton's, but a strangers. Her heartbeat quickened as she tried to remember where she was and what she had done the night before. She gasped when she heard the moaning of someone next to her. When she looked to her right, her heartbeat slowed, and she calmed; it was just Kadsey.

She got up, careful not to wake him, and wandered around this tiny apartment until she found the kitchen. She reached into the fridge and pulled out and apple and started munching on it before she realized that she was not alone. She slinked back toward the hallway from whence she came before a man calmly asked,

"What are you doing here?"

"Um... I'm sorry. I didn't realize that anyone else was up." Boe answered before trying to flee back to the room which held Kadsey, but this man's gaze seemed to stop her. She felt petrified.

"Why are you here?" He asked again, his voice beginning waver.

Boe began to stutter and stumble and nearly cried; she didn't know what she was doing in Kadsey's house as the sun rose and her mothers undoubtedly were still up, waiting for her. As she attempted to get out an answer, Kadsey came out in just a pair of shorts and saved her.

"Dad. It's me; Kadsey. Your son. This is Boe. She is my friend."

The man's face dropped and he seemed to come back from where ever he was.

"Kadsey. I found the most interesting photo of this girl in your room."

"Dad, this is Boe. Now, let's get you back to your room."

Kadsey replied, gently lifting the man out of the chair and into a room. Boe smiled, but her heart fell with sorrow; Kadsey had to deal with this for the rest of his life. She saw him having too big of a heart to turn the old man away. While submerged in thought, Kadsey came out to the living room and began to apologize.

Boe replied a soft acceptance and Kadsey grasped her hand into his and kissed her on the cheek.
"I didn't hurt you, right?" Kadsey asked.
Boe simply shook her head and smiled at the ground.
"The internet." Kadsey commented.
"Hm?" Boe asked, confused.
"The sex. I looked it up."
"Like porn?"
"Um, more scientific, but yea, like porn."
"You're crazy."
"Yes, but only for you." Kadsey replied with a devilish smile that made Boe's heart leap.
She smiled at the ground again, but Kadsey gently lifted her face and planted a soft kiss on her lips. She giggled unintentionally and quickly attempted to stifle it, but it failed.
"You are beautiful in the morning." Kadsey mentions, attempting to be romantic.
"So, I'm not beautiful another time?" Boe whispers teasingly.
"Well... Umm.... I meant..." Kadsey stutters.
"I was kidding." Boe whispered.
"Why are you whispering?" Kadsey whispered.
"Why are you whispering?" Boe giggled.
They then sat in silence and watched the morning news before Boe heard her phone vibrate.
Jessie: Where are you?!?!
Boe bites her lip and texts back.
Boe: Sorry. Mom. I went home with Kadsey. I'm fine. Don't tell Molly. Please.
Kadsey rubbed her leg and kissed her forehead as he switched the channel to a cartoon; Looney Tunes. She smiled as they watched "Pepe Le Pu" try to win over his mate for the day. Boe jumped a little as her phone vibrated.
Jessie: Okay. I was just worried. I'll tell Molly that you went home with Noah. She'll be pissed, but not as much. Don't worry.
Boe breathed a sigh of relief as she texted back.
Boe: I'll be home in 20. I love you.
Jessie quickly texted back an "I love you" and Boe got up.
"I'm sorry. My moms are worried. I have to go." Boe commented.
"Alright. Let me help you." Kadsey replied as he got up and grabbed her some of his clothes. She threw on a pair of gym shorts and an old tee shirt. Her hugged her tight and whispered, "You are amazing."
She smiled and began to walk out the door, and Kadsey let her. She got to the bottom of the stairs walked out of the building with a warmth in her heart and a smile on her face.
"Boe!" Kadsey shouted from the window a few stories up.
Boe looked up and smiled shouting a "Yes?" in reply.
"I love you!" He shouted, his voice full of hope.
Boe smiled and shouted back, "I love you, too!"

The sad thing was, she meant it...

A/N: Hey readers! Sorry this update took forever. I had a serious case of writer block, but it is slowly getting better. It is almost summer so, hopefully, updates will become more frequent. Vote, Comment, and and Just Keep Reading! ❤️

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