Chapter 10 And 'O The Conversation This Will Start...

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A/N: This Chapter Has A Bit Of Language In It.
Now You Know. 👣👣👣

Quite a Few Months Later...

"Shit. Shit. Shit." Boe mumbled sitting on Peyton's bathroom floor.
"Are you alright in there?" Peyton asked.
"Yea. I'm fine." Boe replied annoyed.
"Is this one positive too?" Peyton asked quietly through the door.
Boe tried to hold back the tears, but fear consumed her. She opened the door and was greeted by a loving embrace;
"I'm your best friend, so I'm allowed to do this."
"Do what?"
"I told you so."
"How so?"
"Remember when I ask if you like Kadsey, like, more than a friend and you went off on a slightly naive 'What I love about Kadsey Jericho speech'?"
"Yes; your point?"
"Well, I said something along the line of, 'Keep that to yourself, and don't do anything stupid'."
"Yea, but you can't call me on it! Not now." Boe replied sternly, attempting to keep her voice low.
Andy did know about Boe and Kadsey, but he refused to believe a good girl like Boe was capable of such a sin. Boe hated him for it, yet loved him just the same.
"So, um, are you gonna tell Kadsey?" Peyton asked
"Of course! It is his. And he loves me." Boe replied, sounding so sure of herself, but on the inside she was terrified.

I wouldn't put your heart on it little one.

The old man's voice rang steadily in her ears. Though Kadsey still treated her with the same adoration as he did that first day, she still felt him slipping away with every passing breath.

"--heart on it." Peyton tried, but Boe was yet again, enveloped in deep thought.
"I'm sorry. I was daydreaming. Sorry. What did you say?" Boe asked hurriedly.
"I said, 'I wouldn't put your heart on it, Boe.'." Peyton reminded her.
"Too many people have told me that already." Boe replied
"Well, I'm just here to tell you again." Peyton answered smartly.
"Seriously." Boe started before the tears threatened to fall, her voice cracking.
"Are you alright?" Peyton asked.
"Yea. Umm, I'm gonna go see Kadsey."
"Want me to drive you?"
"For one, I'm not disabled. And two, yes please." Boe answered, her voice dipping with every word.
"Okay. Get in the car; I'll be there in a second." Peyton instructed.
Boe walked out the door and sat by herself in the car for about 5 minutes before Peyton returned. They drove to Kadsey's house with nothing but the radio to keep them company. Just as they arrived, "Ours" by Taylor Swift came on; Boe's heart began to race as the fear built up.
"Hey Girls, What's up?" Kadsey asked after answering the door and letting the girls in.
"Well, I think Boe should tell you." Peyton answered, pointing over to Boe.
"Umm... Thanks Peyton." Boe answered annoyed, "Kadsey, umm... How do I say this. Umm... We... I--"
"Pregnant." Peyton interrupted.
"Really?" Boe replied, annoyed and angered
"Well, you were taking your sweet ass time, figured I'd get it over with." Peyton replied boldly.
"Are you sure?" Kadsey interjected.
"Yes." Boe replied shakily
"That is great!"
"Of course! Why wouldn't it be?"
"Well, I just thought... I--"
With that notion, Kadsey leaned in and kissed her before whispering,
"Stop thinking. Start dreaming."
"Okay. But, how are we going to go back to school?"
"Boe, it's March. They can stand us for a couple more months."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive. Now, you are only sixteen, how will you hide this from Molly?"
"More like Jessie and Molly."
"I thought Jessie was okay with this?"
"Sorta. She is trying to please Molly so that she can stay with Emily."
"That is just stupid."
"Tell me about it."
They both just stared at each other for a moment before Peyton suggested leaving. Boe nodded in agreement and they left with a simple smile; odd, but this one seemed slightly more devious than the others.
Once Boe was safely in the car she asked ,
"Do you believe him?"
"If it makes you feel better." Peyton replied
"I believe he is a wimp."
"Why so?"
"Remember the night Emily was born and Jessie woke up and all that stuff."
"Remember telling me the next day that Kadsey slipped and fell on his face; then he screamed."
"Well, I wouldn't have screamed."
"What are you saying."
"Nothing. Forget it."
Once they arrived home, Peyton came over to Boe's house only to find Jessie staring lovingly down at Emily. Molly was no where to be found.
"Mom?" Boe asked calmly,but her eyes begging for a better answer.
"Where is Molly?"
"Getting formula."
"Peyton is here."
"Can we go upstairs."
"Bye. Love you." Boe tried one last time.
"See ya." Jessie replied coldly.
For the next hour or so, Boe and Peyton pondered why Jessie had become so cold. Boe cried a bit, and Peyton held her through it; promising things would get better. After dinner Boe went to bed, and she was happy to drift off into her dreams. Just as she was settled someone came through the door.
"Boe?" Jessie called.
"Yea." Boe answered sternly
"I love you."
"You sure about that?"
"Completely. Do you love me?"
"Utterly, but I thought you loved Emily."
"Not as much as I love you."
"Truly." Jessie answered as she grabbed another blanket and crawled into bed with Boe; wrapping her arms around her.
"Mom?" Boe asked shakily.
"If I did something bad--"
"I know."
"You do?"
"Peyton told me."
"Did you tell Molly?" Boe asked fearfully.
"Of course not."
"Because I love you."
"I promise. Now, when are you due?"
"I don't know."
"So how do you know you are pregnant?"
"Stupid stick."
"From that drug store."
"I'll take you in on Tuesday."
"Yes. Now let's try to get some sleep. You have school tomorrow."
Jessie kissed Boe on the forehead. With that sweet notion, they drifted off to sleep; not fearing what tomorrow would bring.

I guess you could say that they should have...

A/N: Again, sorry for the really quick update, but I hope you like it!
📖 Happy Reading 📚
📝 Happy Writing 📓

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