Chapter 12 Maybe This Time...

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A/N: This Chapter Has A Bit Of Language In It.
Now You Know. 👣👣👣

The Last Day Of School

"Hey Boe! Wait up." Peyton shouted as she got out of her car. Boe didn't listen, and this is what made Peyton run faster. She grabbed onto her arm and begged,
"Boe. Honey, he's not worth it!"
"Like hell he isn't." Boe replied in a flat voice. Peyton followed her loyally, but secretly she was afraid. Ever since they were children Boe was the calm one, but if you pissed her off, she was the one you didn't want to get ahold of you. Peyton may have been a hot-head, but she stopped after they hit the ground.
They walked into school and the same barrage of snickers and taunts followed them, but they quickly stopped when Boe turned to Alexia and sneered, "Shut the fuck up."
Alexia just gasped and Sara held her and glared at Boe. She glared right back; she was pissed.
They got to the lunch room and saw Kadsey sucking face with Andrew. Peyton wanted to stop her, but it was too late; shit was going to hit the fan.
"Hey! Asshole! Yea, you." Boe shouted at Kadsey.
"Yes, Boe?" Kadsey asked innocently.
"What were you thinking?"
"Whatever do you mean?"
"You started this."
"I believe you leaned in first."
"Boe, you got to let it go. We were just a fling, and I understand that you are hurt, but you need to stay out of my life."
"Seriously? You want to pull that shit?"
"I never wanted to go very far with you, but you simply insisted. Aside from that I--"
Boe never quite caught the end of that sentence. She was so focused on how damn charming he was being. His eyes now tinted a glittering gold, along with his devious smile; both shining in the rising sunlight coming from the window. She swung. He stood and wrapped her up in his strong arms. She tried to tense up, but she felt at ease when she smelt him; rich sandalwood and coconut.
"Hush Boe." He whispered before shouting to the crowd, "I have to deal with this personally. Nobody follow me. Got it?"
Andrew nodded in response.
Kadsey continued sternly, "Come on Boe."
He walked her into the Special Ed locker rooms (which were co-ed at the time) and pushed her against the wall, kissing her passionately. Boe wanted to tell him to stop, but she couldn't; he made her feel powerless.
"I'm sorry." Kadsey begged.
"My dad. He heavily suggested that I ditch you before I hurt you."
"I don't believe that."
"It is true. Boe, I'm missed you."
"I--" she started before the tears took hold; she missed him too. He held her in his arms and made a promise,
"I promise that once summer comes, we'll be together."
"Of course. Now, we need to get to class." He added, kissing her gently on the forehead before walking out the door. As he walked away, she stared at his new tattoo; a smoke skull.
She remembered the day they did it for the first time. He had quite a few tattoos; most of which were words she couldn't make out in the dim crescent moonlit room. He smelled of rich sandalwood and she of citrus. It was like being in a tropical sauna. The cars below raced past; unaware of the change occurring. He seemed timid, but she felt safe. The last thing she remembered was turning to her side and looking at his chest rise and fall steadily.
"Boe? Are you okay?" Peyton asked, slowly walking into the locker room.
"Yea. I'm fine." Boe replied, wiping tears from her face and smiling in the mirror.
"Good, because we are late to class."
"Well, hurry up."
"The way I see it, we are already late, why should we hurry?"
"That seems logical, but I wouldn't try explaining that to Monster Mouth." Peyton exclaimed as they reach their lockers. The grabbed their books and walked to class together; but Boe's heart held a precious secret.


"Hey Babe." Kadsey smiled as Boe lay in his bed.
"'Morning." She answered, feeling his hands hold her now bulging stomach.
"I love you." He breathed.
"I love you more." She contested.
"I love you both." He whispered, kissing her stomach.
Boe smiled and felt joy rise up inside her, bit it was quickly overcome with fear.
"What day is it?" She asked
"It's Saturday."
"We have to get ready."
"I wish we could lay here all day."
"Molly would kill me."
"Isn't she ready to anyways?"
"It doesn't matter; we need to make this work."
"Have you thought about school?"
"I think I'll do homeschooling until the baby is about six months, and then I'd take some Acu-placers to see what level I am at, and if I'm far enough, I'll graduate quickly online and then take some college courses."
"And if you aren't far enough?"
"Jessie said that she'd watch the baby while I finish school."
"Are we too young for this?"
"I don't know."
"You are a Junior."
"So are you."
"Yea, but that is because I got held back in 3rd grade."
"Can we drop this?"
"Yes. We need to start getting ready." Boe agreed.
Boe had taken a shower the night before, so Kadsey got in. As he was showering, Boe slipped on a striped maternity dress that Sophia had bought her. Though she was religious, she believed that under the circumstances Boe and Kadsey were doing the right thing. Boe grabbed the brush and threw her hair up. It had grown so much since the previous August; so had she. She threw on her dark jean jacket and sandals before sitting on the couch and turning on Looney Tunes.
Kadsey stood in the shower, allowing the water to cascade down his toned body. His sandalwood body wash slowly being carried away by the rushing warm water. He got out and heard the sound of Looney Tunes; making him aware that Boe was ready. He walked out in a towel and saw Boe sitting cross-legged on the couch. He then looked back to an empty room. It was his dad's, but soon it would be the baby's. He had taken his dad to a nursing home; he knew too much and his lips were very loose.
He walked into their room and threw on a pair of dark blue jeans and a white tee shirt. He grabbed his sneakers and walked out; sitting on the couch next to Boe putting them on.
Kadsey kissed her and she giggled. He suggested they leave, so she turned off the TV and agreed. They got into his car and drove to Boe's house.


"Damn it, Jessie! This is so illegal!" Molly whispered harshly; she had just put Em down for a quick nap.
"I know, but what can we do?"
"Molly, you know how I feel about that."
"Adoption then?"
"Boe wants to keep it. Molly, she has a good structure. She has a roof over her head, food to eat, space to be herself--"
"But she is just a baby!" Molly began to cry.
"Molly-Molly, it's okay. We can see her whenever we'd like, and she is almost seventeen anyways."
"She isn't legal until she is eighteen."
"But if we agree, she can be legal. She could have when she was sixteen."
"How can you be okay with this?"
"Simple: I don't want to lose her."
"That makes no sense. We are losing her if we let her go."
"No, we are giving her lead."
"What do you mean?"
"If we deny her this, when she turns eighteen she may never come back to us. If we do this, she is within driving distance and we won't let her disappear."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. My parents did it with me and Bandy."
"But that was different."
"Not really. We were in love and planned to run away together. Boe is in love and plans to start a family with this boy."
"Why what?"
"I know you'll hate me for saying this, but why did we have to raise a hetero? You know, their lifestyle is chaotic. They can have kids at anytime. They can have as many kids as they want. There are no simple things."
"Boe was always pretty complex."
"I know."
Jessie turned to look out the window and saw Kadsey's car pull up.
"We need to get Em up and go downstairs; they're here." Jessie instructed.
Molly did just that and met Jessie downstairs. She had already poured them all a glass of milk or coffee and prepared Em's sip-e cup. Molly sat Em down in her highchair and tousled her growing amber locks before handing Em the cup and joining the conversation.
"Anyways, we are gonna make it a surprise." Kadsey replied, talking about the gender of the baby.
"That is great. Boe, Molly and I have so papers we want you to sign. They'll allow you to be legal at seventeen."
"Great. Should I sign them now?" Boe asked
"Sure." Molly butted in, grabbing a small stack of papers from the opposite counter "Here you go."
Boe quickly signed the papers and so did Jessie, but Molly just scribbled down her name; not at all her usual bubbly handwriting, but sharp and crisp. She then grabbed Em, made a quick excuse, and went upstairs.
She sat Em on the changing station and changed her before finding her a set of clothes. She digs through the tightly packed closet to retrieve a small floral dress. It was puffy and cute, and as a plus, Em liked it. Once she saw the dress, she began to smile and talk gibberish. She hadn't gotten the hang talking as quickly as Boe did, but she felt like Em was meant for better things than her sexually confused sister.
Molly set Em down in her crib before grabbing Em's bumblebee pacifier and giving it to her. Em quickly shoved it in her mouth and sucked on the tip. Molly liked watching Em when she was like this; she seemed to be thinking. She stared down in wonder; how large was this infants mind? Was she thinking about something as small as the colors on her dress, or was she wondering why the sky loses it's stars when the sun came up? Molly breathed easy and picked up Em and began to rock her in a chair. She could hear Boe and Jessie talking downstairs, but she didn't mind; not when Em was in her arms.
Some time passed and Boe left with her papers in hand. Jessie stood at the door and waved her off, but Molly only saw Em and the bright future she dreamed for her little girl.

What she didn't understand, was that December would come quicker than she'd like...


A/N: Hey! Sorry about the long chapter and that whole paragraph or more about Molly. I just figured that I could let you all get to know the women who raised Boe. Jessie, the calm, cool headed, accepting mother. As well as Molly, the fiery, conservative, red headed mother that refuses to accept certain things.
An added note: Thank you all for reading and voting for "This Love"! I never thought I'd get this many views! I know that some stories get millions of views, but I'd like you to know that even with only 200 or so reads, I appreciate every single one of you!
📖 Happy Reading 📚
📝 Happy Writing 📓

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