Chapter 2 That First Day

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Boe woke to the smell or french toast and sweet cinnamon; her favorite. She could feel the day getting better with each sound she heard outside her window. She got out of bed and got dressed, but not before seeing Peyton. She took her slingshot and shot a bounceyball into Peyton's window, and waiting a minute for it to return. When it did, Peyton wrote, "Sorry, I can't stay long today. I have to get ready for school. See Ya there, Boe!" Boe watched as Peyton's loose auburn ponytail waved a sweet goodbye. Boe got dressed in her favorite pair of caprices and a tee shirt. She grabbed her new backpack and dashed downstairs to greet her mothers for breakfast.

"Hey moms, I'm ready for school." Boe announced.

"That's good, because you are late and you only have about five minutes before the bus gets here. We need to help you manage your time better." Molly commented.

"Molly, don't be so harsh on her. It is only her first day. She'll get the hang of it soon. Right, Boe?" Jessie asked.

"Yeah. I'll get better. I promise." Boe agreed.

"Okay. Now both of you eat breakfast. Jessie, you need to leave in 20 minutes and Boe, you in 5. I'll leave in about 45 minutes when the laundry is ready." Molly droned.

Jessie and Boe just nodded; they knew how Molly was. Boe had always gotten along better with Jessie, even though Jessie wasn't the one that carried her.

As the bus rolled up to the curb, Molly shouted, "Boe! Bus!"

Jessie smiled before kissing Boe's forehead and whispering, "I love you, Boe Lydia Wilson."

Boe smiled before replying, "I love you too, Mom."

Jessie hugged her one last time before telling her to go say good-bye to Molly. Molly didn't bother with the tearful or sad good-byes that Jessie gave. Molly simply wished her farewell, and told her that she would ride the bus home. Boe nodded and as she walked to the bus, Molly let out a cry, "I love you, Boe."

Boe smiled and replied, "I love you too, Mom."

As Boe got out to the bus, Peyton came running from her house; her bag swung open haphazardly. When they got on the bus, they sat together while Peyton explained school to Boe.

"You see, it is a pretty cool place. You might have some mean people that bully you and stuff, but don't worry, I stick with you. I already have some school friends, but don't worry, I think they'll like you. Also, the teachers are pretty cool. Ms. Noah is the best though. Personally, I hate grammar and reading, but Ms. Noah makes it fun. Mrs. Little is the worst; she makes music so boring."

"So, people will be mean to me, but you'll make sure I'm okay. You have more friends, but they'll like me, and some of the teachers are good, some are terrible." Boe asked, making sure she was right.

"Yea." Peyton exclaimed as the bus pulled up to the school.

Boe and Peyton waited until all the older kids got off before doing so themselves. She showed Boe where the office was, the bathrooms, her locker, and finally her first class. Since they were just eight, they had a homeroom teacher all day, except music and P.E. When Boe saw Ms. Noah, she smiled; this looked like a good person. She had tan skin that looked really soft, and blue eyes that seemed to calm a raging sea. She was wearing jeans and a sweater, but she still looked nice. Peyton showed Boe where their seats were and then Ms. Noah began to teach.

Throughout the day Boe met many new people and when lunch time came around she was the first done. She didn't know what to do, so she went into Ms. Noah's room and found her crying against a man's shoulder. When she saw Boe, Ms. Noah, jumped up and wiped her eyes before rapidly apologizing and trying to explain ,but soon she lowered her head and ran out of words. Boe, who had wondered what Heterosexuality meant to those who were involved asked, "Ms. Noah?"

She wiped a newly emerging tear as the man held her and replied, "Yes?"

"Are you happy?" Boe inquired.

Ms. Noah smiled up at the man and he squeezed her shoulders before she answered, "Yes."

Boe smiled and replied, "Then why should you be sorry?"

Ms. Noah knelt down next to Boe and whispered, "You are wise little girl Boe. I see great things coming from you."

After she finished, the bell rang and the man kissed her and said, "I'll see you at home." She whispered back the same with an added, "I love you." He replied with the same. Awhile after he left, Ms. Noah led Boe to P.E. and then smiled as she began to run with her friends.

That night Boe wondered why Ms. Noah was so scared. If she was so happy and she loved that man, why was she sorry. Then she remembered what Peyton had said about bullies and that she would stand up for her. Then she decided, that if Ms. Noah ever needed it, she would protect her from bullies who tried to make her unhappy.

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