Chapter 8 Oh, So This Is What A Downfall Is...

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"Where the hell where you?" Molly shouted as Boe walked into the house.
"I--" Boe stuttered before Molly smacked her across the face.
"I don't want to here it! You think that you can hide anything from me? You can't! What where you thinking?" Molly ranted.
"Molly, just--" Jessie tried to interject.
"No! Shut up Jessie! I'm tired of you two keeping things from me!"
"But mom, we--" Boe tried to interject.
"No! You know what? Get out! Both of you! Pack your shit, and get the fuck out!" Molly shouted.
"Molly--" Jessie tried to interject.
"No! You can't wiggle your way out of this! You have 20 minutes to pack your bags and get out." Molly commanded.
"What about the baby?" Jessie begged.
"Honestly, he/she is better off without a hetro-sister and a lying mom." Molly informed.
Jessie began to feel the tears well-up and so she mutter a simple, "fine" and signaled for Boe to grab her things.
Boe grabbed most of her clothes and jewelry before grabbing more memorable items; a photo-strip of Jessie, Molly, Peyton, Andy, Ryan, and herself at a carnival, the rose Kadsey gave here, a pair of concert tickets, and her puppy's old collar.
Boe trudged downstairs and leaned against the door; listening to Jessie quietly sob as she walked down the stairs.
"Let's go, Boe." Jessie commanded.
"And I wouldn't go to Andy's; I told him about Boe's weekend endeavor." Molly mentioned.
Boe saw another tear fall from Jessie's deep brown eyes and she nodded before walking to the truck and getting in the passenger side. Jessie got in and drove off to who knows where; tears streaming down her face, although Boe's eyes remained dry. They stopped and Jessie ask Boe a most surprising question,
"Where does Kadsey live?"
"Spritzer apartments: room 162."
"How are his parents?"
"One of his dad's has some kind of mind problem like, Alzheimers, and the other one left him because of it."
"So how did he react? With you and Kadsey?"
"He seemed confused. Like, he didn't understand."
"So it'll be safe there?"
With that, Jessie drove to Kadsey's house. They walked up to his room and knocked. A woman opened the door.
"Hello. May I help you ladies?" She asked kindly
"Umm... I'm here to see Kadsey." Boe answered.
"Oh, you must be the pretty girl that Mr. Jericho has been talking about. Kadsey left about 15 minutes ago. Would you like to come in?"
"Yes, please." Boe smiled.
"I'm Sophia; Mr. Jericho's caregiver while Kadsey is out." She informed.
"I'm Boe; a friends of Kadsey's and this my mom, Jessie."
"You are both very pretty. No wonder Mr. Jericho likes to draw you."
"Yes; he has drawn six pictures of you since this morning."
"Would you like to see?"
"Yes, please."
Sophia led Boe into a room drenched in light; in the center sat a man painting a young woman. From the quick sketch, she looked like Jessie.
"I'll leave you two alone." Sophia announced.
"Okay." Boe confirmed
"So, you are Kadsey's new Liz." the old man commented.
"Liz; his girl."
"You mean, he is full hetero?"
"Of course, and you aren't his first girl."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, after Blu left us, Kadsey thought men were bad. First, he was shunned, but after Liz, he changed."
"How so?"
"Well, she was pretty; like you. I painted her in the corner; the west corner. She has deep brown eyes and soft tan skin. He gave her the greatest of pleasure, then left. He has a habit of doing that. He'll stay with a girl for just long enough to make her feel loved, and him to feel pleasured, and then he leaves. No good-bye. No warning. Just like Blu."
"His dad; he was Brazilian."
"So, Kadesey doesn't love me?"
"Maybe. But I wouldn't put your heart on it little one."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because you are different. Those other girls were just the same; just like Blu. Bit you are different; you have kind eyes."
"Thank you."
"I guess you must be going now."
"I see your tears. Something is inside you; something I've never seen before. Don't let it go."
"I have to leave."
"Promise me!"
"I promise, just please. I have to go." Boe cried, tears now streaming down her face.
She ran down the stairs and into the truck before completely falling apart.
"Boe! What happened?" Jessie asked after jumping into the truck and wrapping her arms around Boe.
"Kadsey. He's such a liar. It's just wrong. Molly was right!" Boe bawled.
"No, baby, listen; Molly is my wife, and I love her, but don't let her control your heart. Love who you love. It's alright." Jessie comforted.
"Yes, baby?"
"Who was Bandy?"
"When Molly kicked us out, you grabbed a picture of you and another woman and on the back some one wrote, "Senior Summer; Bandy and Jessie. I love you to the moon and back, my little Jessie girl."
"Bandy was my girlfriend before Molly."
"What happened?"
"She died."
"The same way I almost became paralyzed."
"Car crash."
"Same way I met Molly."
"Car crash."
"This was all a mistake."
"I never loved her."
"Mom, are you okay?"
And with that Jessie began to shake violently and the phones went crazy with messages.
"Mom!" Boe screamed.
"What happened?" Kadsey asked as he arrived.
"She won't stop. Help me!" Boe screamed.
Kadsey moved Jessie and began to speed toward the hospital as Boe dialed 911. Though she was panicked, she was able to tell the operator what had happened. When they reached the hospital, the paramedics grabbed Jessie and took her away.
"Mom!" Boe shouted, as Kadsey wrapped her in his warm arms.
"Boe." Kadsey answered, gently moving Boe's face to look at him.
"She just--I---" Boe tried before the tears began to take over.
Kadsey held her for a moment or so until she calmed, but as she did, Jessie's phone went off. Boe picked it up and read a single message;

Molly: I'm sorry. The baby. Help me!

A/N: Sorry for the quick paced and event filled chapter, but you'll understand when it's all over. At least, I hope so.
📖 Happy Reading 📚
📝Happy Writing 📓

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