Chapter 11 Liar, Liar...

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A/N: This Chapter Has A Bit Of Language In It.
Now You Know. 👣👣👣

"You like that stick? Answer me, whore!"
The hallways screamed with word such as these. All of which were aimed at Boe. She stood alone in the crowd; even Kadsey wasn't around. Peyton stood loyally behind her until they had to split for Biology.
"Where is he?" Boe begged checking her phone for the 100th time since she arrived at school.
"He'll be here; you said that he loved you." Peyton assured.
"You said "loved". You said it in past tense! You are lying! You don't believe that." Boe shouted.
"Keep your voice down." Peyton instructed.
"I'm sorry, it's just... He promised."
"You'll be okay." Peyton promised before hugging Boe and heading off to class.
"I hope so." Boe whispered before heading to Chemistry.
When she arrived, the whole world seemed to be glaring at her. The more popular students held a tight circle and discussed Boe's weekend activities. As they worked in their books, Boe continued to hear snickering from the girls in front of her. She wanted to snap. She wanted to hurt them, but she couldn't. She stared at the clock; begging for time to go faster. But it still ticked away at it's normal pace.
When the bell finally rang for lunch, Boe hid. She went to Peyton's car and sat there; waiting for things to get better. As she was eating some trail mix, she felt her phone vibrate.

Peyton: Boe, where are you?
Boe: No where.
Peyton: Seriously! I can't find you!
Boe: I'm in your car.
Peyton: Thank god! I'll be there in a second.

Within a few minutes, Peyton was sitting in the car with Boe. She was rattling on about something, but Boe couldn't concentrate; Where was Kadsey?
"--and Maria said that Kadsey started it." Peyton continued
"What?" Boe asked
"Did you hear me?"
"No. Sorry."
"Well, in short, Kadsey claims that you took things way to far and now you are trying to pin everything on him."
"No. You are lying."
"Of course I am." Peyton replies sarcastically.
"Seriously?" Boe asked tears beginning to fall.
"Come here sweets." Peyton answers, opening her arm as Boe leans against her. They stayed that way until the bell rang.
"Are you going to be okay?" Peyton asked.
"Yea. I'm with Noah so, I'll be okay."
"Alright. Now let's get going."
They got out of the car and walked their separate ways toward the next hour. When Boe arrived at Noah's she smiled; it smelt like french toast.
"Hey Kiddo." Noah smiled
"Are you okay?"
"Of course."
"Well, I heard about Kadsey."
"Yea." Boe answered, tears welling up in her eyes.
"Boe; don't cry."
"I can't help it. Why? How?"
"We don't know why or how, but we have to strive for greatness; even through the greatest adversity."
"So, it'll get better?"
"Everything gets better, you just have to stay alive long enough to see it."
"But what if we die."
"Then spend today living a life worth remembering." Noah answered, her voice hinted in experience and wisdom.
They stayed happily leaning on eachother, until the dreaded bell rang; P.E.
"Will you be okay?" Noah asked
"Yea. Peyton is in class with me for the rest of the day."
"That's good. Well, go on. I'll see you later."
"Thanks, Noah."
"You are very welcome, Kiddo."
And they parted ways, same as before, maybe a little less broken.
Peyton went to her gym locker when Boe didn't show up for P.E. She tried to call her, but she stopped when she saw a small note.
I'm gonna go sit in your car. I'm sorry if I eat all of your trail mix. I'll pay you back. I just don't feel safe. I feel like someone is gonna hurt me if I go. I'm sorry if I worried you.
"Thank God." Peyton muttered to herself before returning to gym class. As she ran her mile, she couldn't help but worry; Boe was very easily broken. She kept running, and dove deeper into thought; she wan't worried about losing, because she had nearly the best endurance in her class. She thought about her love life, and how simply pathetic it was in comparison; she felt envy toward Boe, even though all of this was happening. She had never even like Kadsey. He was simply too much of a guy for her. When she looked at him, his eyes held no love, purely lust or anger.
"Peyton!" The Gym Coach shouted.
Peyton stopped, huffed angrily, and asked quite annoyed, "What?"
"You're done. You've been done for almost two laps. You need to get to your next class." Coach replied sternly. She was obviously angered by Peyton's rude response.
"Alright." Peyton answered with the same tone; why couldn't she understand.
Her next class was Creative Writing, and she knew Boe wouldn't miss one of Noah's classes. Peyton walked in and sat down in her usual seat; staring at the door waiting for Boe. Sadly, the only people who came in were Alexia and Andrew. Peyton watched as Alexia kissed Sara before taking her own seat. Soon enough, Ms. Noah came in, and though uneasy because of Boe's absence, began to teach. This is when Alexia turned to Peyton and asked,
"So, where is Hetero-Boe?"
The hit was immediate. There was no hesitation: within the last breath of the word Boe, Peyton's fist was connected to Alexia's face. Oddly, Peyton stopped once Alexia hit the ground. She laughed on the inside; That bitch deserved it too. Ms. Noah acted appalled, but she had a feeling that it was deserved. She took Peyton out into the hall, but by that time, silent tears were streaming down Peyton's face.
"Why did you do that?" Noah questioned, trying not to sound terribly angered.
"She was making fun of Boe." Peyton replied quietly.
"So? I know you two are friends, but I don't want to see you get hurt I as well. You two are my favorites; always have been."
"But it's Boe! I've had--" Peyton started, but quickly stopped herself.
"You've had what?" Noah inquired.
"Okay. Umm, do you promise?"
"Promise what?"
"To keep this secret; especially from Boe."
"Of course."
"You have to say it."
"Say what?"
"You have to say that you promise."
"Okay. Peyton, I promise."
"Okay. I've had, like, the hugest crush on Boe since, like , first grade."
"Well? Say something."
"I think you should tell her."
"No! She'd be so freaked out and maybe she'd never hang out with me. Also, why should I put any more pressure on her?"
"Okay, then don't tell her."
"Because you don't want to."
"That is a stupid answer."
"I thought that too, but you insisted."
"Stop it. This isn't funny."
"So, where is Boe?"
"How should I know?"
"Well, you are her best friend."
"Well, I think she might have fell asleep in my car. She skipped out on P.E. today; I don't blame her."
"Is it getting that bad?"
"Don't step in."
"Why not?"
"Because, I know you want to help her, but she doesn't need to be babied."
"I just want her to be safe and happy."
"That makes two of us." Peyton replied as Noah opened the door and allowed her back in to the classroom.
They worked on a story that each of them had created; Peyton's was a fantasy and Boe's was a romance. Today they were working on Dramatic Irony. Peyton's story had to deal with a world where love was forbidden, which was irony in itself. So, Peyton simply put,

"And she fell in love; that was the scary part."


A/N: Sorry for such muddled chapters. It is almost over. Just stick with me please. I estimate no more than five chapters until this story is finished.
📖 Happy Reading 📚
📝 Happy Writing 📓

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