Chapter 5 What Can We Expect

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When Boe woke, the sun was shining into Peyton's room. Peyton was laying next to her; arms wrapped around a tattered pillow. Boe took this time to inspect Peyton's room. It was painted teal, yet had drawings and quotes thrown haphazardly across the room in black or silver sharpie. On her dresser was a picture of her Dad. He was in the army, and, sadly, didn't make it. Written across the frame was a quote, "In laughter or in sorrow. In sunshine and through rain. I know you are watching over me. Until we meet again.". Spread across her floor were their clothes from yesterday. Boe looked over at Peyton; her amber hair tossed across the other pillows, whilst her long, tan legs sprawled out across the bed, one overlapping Boe's. Boe got up and walked across the hall to the bathroom to take a shower; it was going to be a long day. She let the warm water caress her soft, near ivory skin, while it also worked her tense muscles from a night of worry. She used Peyton's eucalyptus shampoo to help clear her sinuses and leave her scalp feeling cool. She then used lavender conditioner and citrus body wash; exiting the bathroom in a purple towel she smelled like a tropical garden. Her blonde hair swung back and forth, the water causing it to catch on her back and stop the motion. She opened the window and shook Peyton awake,
"Good-Morning, Sunshine."
"'Morning. Have you gotten in the shower?"
"Yeah. Can I borrow some of your clothes until I can get to my house?"
"Of course! When do you plan on going back?"
"When you get in the shower. I'll grab my stuff and come over here to get ready."
"Well, I'm getting in now. If you want, we can hang out all morning and start getting ready at around three."
"That sounds great."
Peyton smiled as she stole Boe's towel and laughed,
"Dad forgot to do laundry."
Boe grabbed a blanket and began to dig for a tee shirt and a pair of shorts. Once she found them she quietly snuck into her house. As she walked by their room, Molly lie sprawled across the bed, alone. Boe worried; Jessie had been a drunk before she met Molly. What if she hit the bottle again? Boe dismissed this thought, for the moment to find all her stuff.
She picked out and outfit of MissMe Jeans and a volleyball tee shirt. She grabbed her gym bag and shoved everything she needed for homecoming in it. She quietly walked down the stairs and tried to leave undetected, by a voice called out from the couch,
"How are you?"
"I'm fine. How is Molly?"
"She's still asleep."
"Are gonna get ready at Peyton's?"
"I love you."
"Mom, have you been drinking?"
"I'd say no, but I can't lie to you."
"How much?"
"You need help getting up?"
"If you'd like..."
Boe went over to Jessie and wrapped her arms around her trying to stand her up. That was when Jessie's tank top slid up and Boe saw the bruises.
"Mom! What happened?"
"It's nothing. Molly was mad. I deserved it. It won't happen again."
"I hope so."
Boe got her mom settled on the counter and gave her coffee, ibuprofen and her phone before wandering out the door.
She walked into Peyton's room and she was astounded to find Peyton dancing.
"I never knew you liked to dance."
"Umm. Yea, I like it. I like football more though."
"I know."
"So, what do you want to do?"
"I figured we'd have your dad cook us dinner and then we'd go to the park and meet up with Andrew and Kadsey."
"Do you like him? Like, more than a friend?"
"Kadsey. I won't tell your moms, or my dad, but, as your friend, I want you to know that you can trust me."
"Honestly, yes. I like him. He is cute and he is nice to me and his smile makes me want to..."
"Okay. Okay. I get it. Just, don't let your moms find out, and don't do anything stupid."
"Well, we better get downstairs. Dad is making Life cereal."
"Ryan knew how to cook. Andy is more of the brawn."
"Do you miss him?"
"Daddy Ryan."
"Yeah. Sometimes I dream about that day at the lake though. Remember that?"
"Yeah. Ryan and Andy were discussing having another baby; hopefully a boy. Jessie and Molly were watching us as they argued. In the end, Ryan came over, picked you up, and said, 'I could be offered a million sons, but I would love Peyton more than all of them together.' He kissed you on the forehead before grabbing me as well, and running into the water. Molly was so worried that she ran after him, but Jessie just laughed; she knew that I was safe in Ryan's arms."
"Yep. I wonder why Andy didn't have another baby after Ryan died?"
"I think it was because Ryan promised to love you more than anyone, and Andy promised to love Ryan more than anything. I think that kind of love must trickle down."
"That's a good explanation."
"So, we should get downstairs."
"Let's go; I'm so hungry!"
They went downstairs and ate breakfast before wishing Andy a good day and walking toward the park. Boe saw Ms. Noah through a window; she seemed to be singing. They walked in silence, but the message was clear; We have no idea what to do next. When they reached the park, Andrew and Kadsey were running across the park, tossing a baseball. Peyton and Boe joined them.
Throughout the next hour or so barely any words were exchanged. Boe and Kadsey exchanged nervous smiles; neither of them knew how to deal with this feeling washing over them. Before lunch, as Peyton and Boe started the walk home, Kadsey whispered, "There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable." She walked away, blushing at the fact that she agreed.
3:00 rolled around and Boe began to get ready for Homecoming. Peyton shaved and applied a very strong lavender scented lotion; it was beginning to calm Boe's anxiety. Boe did the same, but applied a citrus scent, which made her feel at home. Peyton began to curl Boe's hair, while she straitened and styled her own. Boe smiled as Peyton let the clip of curls fall to the center of her back. Her bangs were curled and still falling into her eyes. Peyton went to the third drawer in her vanity and pulled out a light purple faux Hawaiian flower and pinned back Boe's bangs. She did the same with her bangs,but used a faux sunflower instead. Boe and Peyton were sitting in a nude Vitoria Secret underclothes while they did their make-up and hair to prevent smearing or singeing their dresses. They both did a natural look for make-up and as Boe was putting on her mascara, she saw Peyton holding up a silver chain. She walked over and put it around Boe's neck. She straitened it out and its only charm, "Boe", lay across her chest. Peyton grabbed her own chain from the top drawer of the vanity and put it on. Boe grabbed her dress from the bed and slipped it on; it was lavender colored that reached right above her knees. Peyton's was the same, only it was yellow. The girls were slipping on a pair of silver gladiators when Kadsey rang the doorbell.

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