Chapter 16 This Is Heavenly...

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"Zzz! Zzz! Zzz!" A phone vibrated against a hard wooden nightstand. Boe, fearful, opened her eyes. She was in her bedroom. She was at home. She smiled; breathing in a satisfying gust of morning breeze from her open window. The sunlight glistened and glittered as it hit every angle of her room.
It was just a dream... Boe thought with a smile, I'm okay...
She slid out of bed, feeling the cold of her hardwood floor against her warm, soft feet. She walked up to her dresser and pulled out a pair of her favorite jeans and a white spaghetti strap. She embraced every sound, every feeling from her most recent dream; what was it trying to tell her? Kadsey Jericho was a dream, but a nightmare all the same. Just as she was brushing her hair, a familiar voice rang in her head,

I've had the hugest crush on her since, like, first grade...

"Peyton?" Boe asked as she turned to look out her window at a very familiar house. Peyton was sitting on her bed, texting someone and singing along to the radio.
"Peyton! Breakfast!" Andi shouted up.
"Coming Mom!" Peyton shouted back before setting down her phone and turning off her radio. Boe watched as she shut the door and thought to herself, i wonder...
"Boe! Breakfast is getting cold!" Jesse shouted from downstairs.
"Coming dad!" She responded before grabbing a beige tee-shirt and slipping it on. She walked down the stairs and the smell of french toast brought her the greatest of pleasure. As she went down the stairs, a little boy ran past her.
"Emerson? Stop running in the house." Molly instructed.
"Yes, mommy." Emerson replied before promptly sitting down and asking for french toast. Boe sat with him and admired how much he looked like Jesse, while she still looked like Molly. They ate breakfast together and aside from the normal breakfast talk such as, "Don't forget this," or "Remember to do that,", it was a pretty quiet breakfast.
Once she had finished, Boe went back up to her room and took off her tee to search for something more appealing. She ended up settling on a white lace tank top.
After about two minutes of pondering how to tell Peyton exactly what was on her mind, the bus honked at the corner; signaling to the rest of the block that she'd arrive in a minute or less.
Boe grabbed her plaid backpack and ran down the stairs, giving Molly and Jesse one last hug before leaving. As she walked out onto the morning grass, she felt the cool dew against her toes; the gladiators may not have been the best choice in shoe selection, but they made her feel brave. The sunlight fell perfectly down Peyton's auburn hair and continued drifting down until it seemed to explode with light as it touched the remaining droplets of morning dew. Peyton was dressed in a tennis shoes, a pair of jeans, and a dark grey shoulder top, that was over a black undershirt.
"Peyton?" Boe asked, trying not to sound skittish.
"Yes?" She replied softly, her hair following the movement of her head.
"I have something to ask you." Boe continued, scared, but too afraid to show it.
"Go for it." Peyton replied in a very bubbly voice.
"Well, are you happy for Noah and Jenny?"
"Of course! If you love someone, nothing should stop you from being with them."
"Okay. Then I have another question."
"I'm open." Peyton replied happily.
"Will you go out with me?" Boe asked as steadily as she could.

Peyton just smiled...

The End

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