Chapter 15 And Baby Will Fall...

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Two years and Eight Months Later...

"Damn it, Boe! What the fuck?" Kadsey screamed at Boe who tried to hide in her tears built on utter fear and pain.
"Please. Just, calm down. You'll wake her. Don't hurt her!" Boe whispered through the tears now streaming down her face.
Just as she mentioned her, Jewelyssa walked out and held Boe's jeans.
"Jewels, go back to bed sweets." Boe begged
"No, she should know what a cunt her mother is." Kadsey shouted, his words slurring slightly; he had been drinking again.
"Language!" Boe shouted back as she covered Jewelyssa's ears. Boe didn't have a chance to put her hands up before Kadsey swung. She hid the ground quickly and grabbed Jewelyssa in fear that her little girl would face the same fate.

This had been going on for months, ever since they moved into the house. Money was tight, and they wanted another kid. This led to them moving to a little house in the middle of the country. The house was perfect; four bedroom, two bathrooms, full kitchen, two car garage, creek less than a mile down the backyard, and best of all, an entire pasture used for whatever they wanted. Though the house was indeed perfect, the price wasn't. Luckily, Jessie and Molly helped out for a little over a year until Em started Pre-School. That was when things got difficult.
Kadsey stopped coming home, and when he did, he was drunk. He was abusive, in everyday life as well as in bed. Boe wanted to confront him, scream at him for all he was doing, but she couldn't find the courage. She would let him finish night after night, and after he fell into a deep drunken slumber, she would crawl out of bed and sit on the porch swing crying. Once she calmed, she would clean house or read; checking on Jewelyssa every hour or less to ensure her safety. She barely slept these nights.
Peyton called often, asking why she hadn't been around for awhile, and Boe would lie and say that they were still busy unpacking or cleaning the house. Peyton always sounded worried, but she tried not to question. Once, when Peyton came over to help with dinner, Kadsey came home drunk, but Boe took him into the garage and told him not to come out until he regained his composure. Boe ate dinner happily with Peyton, but she feared what would happen when she left. As she gave her one last hug, she turned and saw Kadsey's silhouette staring out at her; waiting. Boe began to cry and though Peyton asked why, Boe simply lied; knowing she couldn't escape. Peyton kissed her forehead and told her to call if she ever needed anything.
That night was the worst one yet. She tried to scream, but he stifled them with either his hand or a pillow. He got up, after he was finished and went to the door and called,
"'O, Lyssa. Come to daddy."
Boe couldn't help it. Through all the pain she jumped up and tackled him. In his drunkenness, he fell with her.

"Damn it, Boe! What the fuck?" Kadsey screamed at Boe who tried to hide in her tears built on utter fear and pain.
"Please. Just, calm down. You'll wake her. Don't hurt her!" Boe whispered through the tears now streaming down her face.
Just as she mentioned her, Jewelyssa walked out and held Boe's jeans.
"Jewels, go back to bed sweets." Boe begged
"No, she should know what a cunt her mother is." Kadsey shouted, his words slurring slightly; he had been drinking again.
"Language!" Boe shouted back as she covered Jewelyssa's ears. Boe didn't have a chance to put her hands up before Kadsey swung. She hid the ground quickly and grabbed Jewelyssa in fear that her little girl would face the same fate.
He raised his hand to Jewelyssa and then stopped. He picked her up and began to walk to her room as Boe stumbled on the floor screaming,
"Please! Don't hurt her!"
He didn't listen and he just kept walking. Within seconds of going into her room, he came out and grabbed his keys.
"Fuck this. You are a bitch. You pinned Jewelyssa on me in highschool, forced me to drop out, and you made me buy you this fucking house! You pushed and pushed and had so many complications! Fuck it! I'm leaving you; both of you. I can't take this stupidity!" Kadsey shouted, before walking out the door. He quickly stuck his head back in for one more hurtful comment, "And what kind of three year old can't fucking talk. You gave me a fucking retard of a daughter."
After he left Boe rose as quickly as she could and grabbed Jewels from her bed and carried her to the couch.
"Did daddy hurt you?" Boe asked, examining her for cuts or marks or anything. Jewels simply shook her head. "Thank God." Boe whispered before holding her closely. They fell asleep on the couch together watching Looney Tunes.
It was nearly three a.m. when Boe heard a phone go off that wasn't hers. She carefully got up and went to the kitchen where Kadsey's phone sat on the counter.
She picked it up and unlocked it to view the messages.
Kadsey: hey lover
Andy: hey sexy
Kadsey: wanna meet up
Andy: i'll bring the toys
Kadsey: yummy
Andy: send me a teaser

All that was left was an inappropriate picture and a "I can't wait to see you." From Andy. Boe felt crushed. She felt irrational. She needed to do something. She stared down at her little girl and thought she knew what was right.
Tears streamed down her face as she closed the bathroom door and turned on the tub. The water rose as she stripped to lay in it. She tried to relax, but she just kept thinking. And the thinking made her sad; really sad.
She stood up and took a bottle of pills from the cabinet. 'Sleeping pills' she thought, as she pulled them out of the cabinet and downed a few. She then grabbed the rest of the bottle and sat back into the tub. Every few minutes she would down a few more. Soon she felt sick and sorry and sad, but most of all sad. She fumbled around her jeans for her phone and called Peyton.
"Hello?" Peyton answered
"Pey--thun..." Boe slurred
"Boe? Sweets you are breaking up."
"Halp.. Huh... Help..."
"Boe? Speak up sweets. Help?"
"Home... Help... Baa...hoom..."
"Boe? What? Help? Home? Bathroom?"
Boe then quickly hung up and texted:

Im in batroom at home help pils jewls help pls

Peyton didn't hesitate. She jumped into her pickup and drove like a maniac to get to Boe.

Thoughts encircled Boe's mind as she drifted in and out...

You are different.
Are you hetero?
I'm your best friend.
I won't tell Molly.
Her name is Jewelyssa.
I love you.
I want to love you; forever.
You are like coming up for air; smooth, sweet, but also relieving.
I feel like I've been drowning, and you've saved me.
Boe, I don't care what others think; fuck them.
I choose you.
I need you.

Peyton ran out of her truck and slammed into the house. She rushed toward the first bathroom and saw nothing so she shouted, "Boe!" And rushed toward the second one.

"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?" Jewelyssa asked, staring intently at her mother who was trying to keep herself awake and her head above water.
She can talk. She is talking. Boe thought.
"Mommy, Peyton is here." Jewelyssa informed as Peyton scrambled into the bathroom. Boe felt her head slip underwater and her eyes stayed closed.

I love you
And the she fell in love; that was the scary part...

The last voice she heard was Noah's before she drifted away...

Everything gets better, you just have to stay alive long enough to see it.

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