Chapter 14 Things Will Always Get Better

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"Molly! We gotta go!" Jessie shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
"One minute!" Molly instructed as she pick Em up. She was a almost one and a half years old, but she still wouldn't talk to Jessie; Molly seemed grateful for that.
"Mama? Why don't you like Jessie?" Em asked, her lisp obvious in the word "Jessie".
"I like Jessie."
"No you don't."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because you never kiss her like girls in the stories you read me."
"I do kiss her. I love Jessie. You just never see it."
"Can I see it?"
"Maybe." Molly replied before grabbing her hand and walking her down the stairs. She reached the bottom and saw Jessie in a new dress; white lace and her hair thrown about made Molly stop. She looked down at Em and began to realize how much she had missed. She looked up at Jessie again and walked toward her, leaving Em at the base of the stairs. Jessie turned around to yell for Molly once more when she was ambushed with a kiss. Many thoughts raced through Jessie's head, but the one that rang the loudest was, "Don't pull away". The kiss would have lasted forever if Em hadn't opened the door to Boe, Kadsey, and Jewelyssa.
Molly felt an instant ring of hatred rise in the pit of her stomach, but it flew away when she saw the happiness in Jessie's eyes.
"Are we interrupting?" Boe asked shyly.
"Um, I'm not sure." Jessie replied smiling back at Molly who instantly became red in the face and stuttered,
"No. I mean, no. Um, let's go."
No one questioned and simply followed Molly and Jessie to church. Once they arrived, the whole crowd turned and glared at Boe and Kadsey; many shouts of "not in the house of God" rang, but they tried to ignore them. Molly, Jessie, and Em went to sit with Andy and Peyton, but Boe, Kadsey, and Jewelyssa were cast out to sit with Jack, Noah, and Christopher at the back of the church where they could barely hear, let alone see. Noah immediately grabbed Christopher and sat him down in between her and Jack so that she could hold Jewelyssa. Noah rocked her to sleep and quickly handed her back to Boe. Once the service had finished, they all went up and thanked the pastor for a great service. He didn't glare, and he didn't send out hateful words, he simply took Jewelyssa and asked if she had been baptized. Boe replied no, claiming that she feared that no one would baptize a baby of unholy parentage. He shook his head and informed her that though he wasn't proud of her practices, he believed that the baby was not at fault and shouldn't be rejected. He offered to baptize her in that moment. Noah slipped in and asked if he would mind baptizing Christopher as well. He gave the same speech to Noah and promptly baptized the two children.
Christopher, a bit younger than Emily, squirmed a bit and cried. Jewelyssa simply took it quietly and after being placed once again in her mother's arms, she began to wail. Noah took her from Boe and rocked her quiet again. They were the last to leave the church.
Boe had invited Noah and her family to join them all for Easter. Kadsey had rented a section of the park for Boe and her family to have a picnic lunch and an Easter egg hunt for the kids. When they arrived at the park, Molly and Boe were sitting on a blanket together; holding each other while Em ran toward Christopher whom she had met at daycare. She hugged him and tried to tell him about the Easter present that Jessie had got her, but he giggled slightly at her lisp. They ran toward the ball and Em tried to kick it toward Christopher, but he promptly fell down as the ball came close. They laughed at his blunder and began to play again.
"Hi moms." Boe called happily.
"Hi sweetie." Molly called back causing Boe's face to flush red in joy.
"Where is Kadsey?" Jessie inquired.
"Oh, he is getting the food. Noah has Jewelyssa." Boe informed her.
"May I hold her?" Molly asked before redding; she had forgotten how cruel she had been to Boe.
Boe giggled and went toward Noah. She whispered something and took Jewelyssa from her. She then laid her in Molly's arms and replied,
"Mom, meet your grandaughter; Jewelyssa Molly Wilson-Jericho."
"Molly?" She asked, wondering why she picked her name.
"I love you. I didn't think you knew that. I knew Jessie knew that, otherwise I'd have named her Jessie."
"Thank you."
"No, thank you." Boe replied proudly.
Kadsey called over and helped the kids find the Easter eggs. Jewelyssa just giggled and rolled around on the ground. Em played happily with Christopher. Jessie and Molly held each other closer than they had in at least a year. It made Boe happy to see her family getting along so well.
Later that night, Jessie laid in bed next to Molly; out of breath and happier than she had been in awhile. She rolled on her side and stared at Molly, and she stared right back.
"Should we?" Molly asks
"Go again?"
"What else would I be referring to?"
"Molly, we'll wake Em." Jessie harshly whispered; trying to keep from giggling at such a preposition coming from her rational, kill-joy wife.
"I'll take that challenge." Molly replied before rolling over Jessie as she burst out in laughter.


"I'm glad Molly is better." Kadsey remarked.
"Me too." Boe replied rolling over to look at Kadsey.
"Well, good-night." Kadsey finished before rolling the other way.
Boe laid in bed for awhile longer, pondering what the future held. Her last thought of the night was a sweet remark;

I'm glad my family is finally better.

A/N: Sorry for the filler! I just needed to work up some momentum before I finish. In the next few chapters time will go really fast, and it will make it seem chaotic; this is what I plan to do.
📖 Happy Reading 📚
📝 Happy Writing 📓

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