Chapter 6 Homecoming

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A/N: Extremely violent and profane language is in this Chapter. Now you know. 👣

"You Hetero Dick! Get the fuck out of my house!" Andy shouted at someone in the doorway.

"Dad! Stop it!" Peyton shouted back, attempting to pull her dad away from the door.

"This boy want's to take you and Boe to homecoming! That is wrong!"

"Sir, If you'd let me finish—" Kadsey started before he was slapped across the face.

"Shut your fucking mouth!"



"That is Kadsey! He is going with homecoming with Andrew. I am going to homecoming with Boe. We are all eating dinner together; as friends." Peyton lied, nearly running out of breath as she did so.

"Oh. Peyton, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Kadsey for treating him so rudely. Also, appologize to Andrew for messing up his date's face."

"Yeah. Sorry guys. A dad has to take care of his baby girl, you know."

"It's fine. Mr. Sutter. May we take the girls to dinner?"

"Yes. Umm, Peyton, Boe, don't stay out too late. Boe, I know you and Peyton are friends and dates, but no funny business. Okay?"

"Yes, Mr. Sutter. I'll be sure to bring your princess home before dawn."

"That works. See you kids later."

"I love you dad."

"I love you, too. Be safe."

"I always am." Peyton assured him before walking out the door and into Andrew's pick-up.

"I didn't know your dad was that hetero-phobic." Boe stated.

"Yeah. He just... He get emotional. Are you okay, Kadsey?"

"Yeah. Just a little sunburn." He laughed.

They continued the ride laughing and telling all sorts of jokes. When they arrived at the restaurant, Andrew led Peyton to the door while Kadsey said he and Boe would be along in a moment. After they had entered the restaurant, Kadsey jumped into the back with Boe.

"What are you doing?" Boe questioned.

"Sitting with you."


"I'm not quite sure; it just feels right."

"What now?"

"I don't know." He said, his eyes pleading into hers. She then leaned into him; begging for a kiss.

"Boe. Stop. This is a sin. We could get in trouble." Kadsey begged.

"Kadsey, I love you, and I find no sin in that." Boe cried.

"Neither do I." Kadsey confided.

As their lips softly brushed against one another, they closed their eyes and held their breaths. To Boe's surprise, Kadsey grabbed her curls and leaned in even closer; pleading for this moment to last just a bit longer. Boe obliged, leaning in herself and wrapping her arms around him. She could feel her heart racing in her chest; her thoughts raced along with it.

Kadsey pulled away first,

"We really need to get inside before Andrew and Peyton get suspicious."

"Okay." Boe replies as she grabs the door for a quick escape. Kadsey grabs her hand and leads away from the door before holding her face in his hands and whispering,

"Maybe just one more..." Before leaning in to seal yet another kiss. Boe allowed, but quickly, and regretfully, pulled away and grabbed the door,

"We best be... Ummm.. Going.." Boe giggled. Kadsey did the same, yet she saw the worry in his eyes. "Don't worry, It was fine." She reassured him. He just smiled at her before opening his door and getting out. Boe followed and brushed her hand against his before they reentered a world that wouldn't let them be.

"Hey, you two. Where were you?" Andrew asked.

"Kadsey was just showing me how much he had gotten done on our Psychology project." Boe answered.

"Yep. Boe was apparently surprised that I actually have a pretty decent work ethic." Kadsey grinned.

"Okay then; let's eat." Peyton declared as the waiter arrived with the appetizers.

By the time they were done eating and had gotten to the dance, it was in full swing and nobody noticed them arrive. They all four took a picture together instead of just as couples. The dance floor was hot and it felt like being put in a pressure cooker, but it was fun. Peyton and Boe danced together and Kadsey watched in admiration as Boe spun around and her dress whipped around with her. He thought the lavender suited her; In fact lavender represented all that she was. In this moment, Kadsey not only felt his love for Boe, but the need to act upon it.

After a few songs, Kadsey grabbed Boe and whispered, "Let's go somewhere quiet."

Boe simply smiled and followed. He took her into the hall where only a few kids were sitting; all of which were crying because of lost dates or the ridicule put on by other students. They sat together on a bench and Kadsey wrapped his arm around her; he could feel her shudder with a mixture of fear and excitement. He leaned in just a bit closer and brushed his lips across hers; savoring the flavor of her spearmint chapstick. She giggled and then leaned in herself; this time gently pressing her tongue into his mouth. He accepted and did the same. Before long they were both blown away by the notion of this love they shared and Kadsey pulled away and spoke,

"Boe. We have to get out of here. I feel like we can't stop. I feel like we are going to get caught. I—" Boe then cut him off with another kiss and simply nodded. Sadly, she didn't know that her next moves would change the course of her life in a way that was never expected.


I am sorry this update took forever. I had way too many track meets this week. Either way, here it is. I hope you like it! 👣👣👣

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